Chapter Fourteen: Liquid Fantasy

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I felt trapped with Steven Greene. He had a hold on my life and I couldn't break free. The only way I could make it through an intense session with Greene was to bite my lip and think about what my life could be. I would never get to a better place but I had to dream.

I felt a sharp sting on my leg and fought back tears.

"Say you're a whore." Steven demanded, a black strap in hand and an arrogant smile splayed on his face.

"I'm-" I took a deep breath and felt the sting again. This time I screamed in response and shook my head from the pain. "I'm a-I'm a whore."

"Yes you are Cinnamon." He laughed, unbuttoning his pants. "Yes you are."
• • • • • •
I didn't hesitate to speed past Donovan's room, jog down the stairs, and sprint for the back door. I pulled at it and searched for a lock but there wasn't one.

Surrendering easily because of the circumstances, I hurried to the front door but received the same failure. Only the key he had accessed the locks on the doors but I didn't want to be here. I refused to be a target like Grace. Also, Lance had said I was causing more trouble than I was worth so I was clearly worth nothing.

I looked out the window at the lake where a row boat bobbed in the water alongside the dock. If I could get to it fast enough then I would have some mode of transportation to escape.

So without a second thought, I went into the kitchen, grabbed the heavy iron pan that I'd used earlier today, and hurled it at the window causing the glass to crack. I picked it up and glanced behind me to see if I had woken anyone up. The house was full tonight and if anyone caught me then I would be a goner.

After two more dedicated throws of the pan I watched the glass shatter into a thousand pieces. Though just as quickly as it broke, an alarm sounded throughout the house.

I gasped, knowing I had to act fast. I crawled out the window, trying my hardest to not get cut and once I was through I noticed Phil trotting down the steps with Stone by his side.

I started in a full sprint toward the lake, not turning back for even a moment despite hearing my name shouted in the short distance. If I focused forward I could get to the boat and it would be a fight or flight situation. I was okay with that. I just wanted to leave.

But as I felt cold liquid around my ankles and looked ahead I realized that from a distance this had all seemed too easy. But the boat was farther from the dock than expected and my body was instantly iced over as I delved deeper and deeper into the lake water.

I was breathing heavily now and my chest felt as if it were closing. I couldn't do this but I had to. I didn't want to give up now with people chasing me while I was far ahead. But I was chest deep in water and the boat was just a few feet away.

"No." I gasped to myself and reached out to grab the side of the wooden dock. My body was freezing and I felt exhausted. Just one second to get myself together.

I rested my arms on the cold wet wood and after only one breath I noticed two black boots before me. I glanced slowly up at Phil and without a second thought. I screamed and fell back into the water. It engulfed me and I felt as if time had stopped and I was safe. I could see a large silhouette but it couldn't get me. Not if I was frozen in time and emercced in this liquid fantasy that provided a momentary escape.

But the moment ended almost as quickly as it began because the large silhouette lowered and I felt my shirt stretch and pull forward until my entire body was out of the water and brought onto the dock. I keeled over, coughing heavily. I couldn't speak, couldn't protest his actions, I couldn't even jump back in and row away. I shivered uncontrollably and I almost felt as if I could see myself from an alternate perspective looking pitiful under the darkness of the moon.

Phil lifted me bridal style and began to walk toward the house. I didn't fight him. There was no need to when I knew I would lose.

"Phil hurry! She needs to get warm." I could hear Hannah call from a distance. I could even hear panting beside me and assumed that my frenzy had even called for Stone to take action. But had Donovan come out? Probably not since he didn't care and wanted me to disappear. I tried to give him what he wanted. But somehow I kept getting pulled back.

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