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First and foremost, I would love to thank all of you who have stuck with me since I first published Virago, I really appreciate the comments you all write and they make me smile and laugh on my hardest days.

I put so much effort into making these stories and, even though they might have some mistakes, I'm proud of what it has brought to the community. I actually believe I was the first one ever to think up of Ducky, to be honest. I've grown with these characters ━ I keep thinking to myself WWDD? (What Would Diana do?) or WWBD (What Would Bucky Do?) and they've gotten both similar and different results ━ and I hope you all do too! Every sleepless night, every writer's block, every crying fit was all done for you! 

With that being said, I would like to go over some different crucial points:

𝟏. Yes, I am changing a few plots/lines of the movies just to fit in Diana. So don't come to me saying, "That wasn't in the movie!" or "This was supposed to be said by so and so!" I know, but if you didn't want a few plots/lines changed, then maybe you shouldn't be reading this book. Sorry!

𝟐. I do this for fun, so don't correct me on my grammar. I do come back and revise and edit. . . after, like, what? Five months? But I still do edit! 

𝟑. I do not own any characters in here. (Duh!) They all belong to either Marvel or DC Comics. 

𝟒. This book is inspired by all of the Stiana (Steve x Diana) and Thoriana (Thor x Diana) ship books out there and I wanted to break the barriers, and these books were made.

In conclusion, I hope all of you can find humor and powerful moments that you can resonate with or, at least, find something within yourself that you've never thought you had before. I hope you can all look up to these characters, and find home within them as I did. 

I hope you all enjoy reading each and every word as I did writing them. 

I'm with you till the end of the line, 


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