Happy birthday

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"Quiet Toothless!" Astrid hissed as she made her way in the front door of Hiccup's house with a backpack on her back and the Night Fury following behind her. Toothless quickly gave an apologetic glance.

Astrid held her hand out in front of Toothless' muzzle to stop him in his tracks. "Hiccup?" She called through the house. "Stoick?"

Toothless looked around too, his ears listening intently. Then Astrid nodded to herself and moved her hand away.

"C'mon Toothless. They aren't here, but I'm sure Hiccup will be back any minute now." she told him while rushing forward into the kitchen of the Haddock house. The fire in the house was going, but she lit a candle for extra light. The house was filled with dancing shadows from the dancing flames. It made strange little performances on the walls. Toothless followed, still moving in stealth mode. He wasn't too sure of what she had plans for. Just something about a surprise.

Toothless growled curiously when reaching the table where Astrid stood. He still didn't understand.

"Toothless," Astrid began "You have to be quiet. I don't want anyone to know were in here. They may go find Hiccup and tell him. And we must make this a surprise!"

Toothless made a low rumbling sound in his throat. Astrid looked at him.

"It's the twenty-ninth of February Toothless! Hiccup will be turning nineteen today. I wanted to make him a special surprise."
She had said the last part oddly. Toothless rolled his eyes and yawned. He understood the surprise part, but why couldn't they wait to do it in the morning and not the middle of the night? From the looks of it, it was about two in the morning.

The house was quiet. the only noise was Astrid fumbling around with the big rucksack at the big wooden table. Toothless could hear the faint thump of wooden plates being set on the table. He sat back and layed ground. He crossed his paws and rested his head on his arms. When he did this he could feel sleep taking its toll. And his eyes closed.

After some time Astrid had woken him up from a deep sleep so he wasn't too awake.

He felt dazed. Like every breath, movement, and sound was a dream. He felt like he was on a cloud. He knew he was so sleepy. He hadn't been sleeping well in the past days. He and Hiccup had been from mountain to mountain, creek to creek, canyon to canyon, and every last beach just discovering new places. Now for Hiccup it was a bucket of fun but then again, he didn't have to fly. That was Toothless job and it was a tiring one too. But he didn't mind it, no, not at all. He didn't mind because he was with Hiccup.


Just the thought of the boy gave the dragon happy thoughts and gave him a reason to smile. He loved everything about him. Every freckle, every facial expression, every emotion, he loved him like mad. Even more than any dragon should love a human. At first it took some getting used to. He hated himself for the longest time. Just the very thought of a dragon falling in love with a human was preposterous to him. But yet, he couldn't help it. Just a flash of the deep green eyes made him feel all jittery inside.

But loving a human was bound to take his toll. As much as he loved Hiccup with all his heart, he knew they could never have a relationship. For the obvious reasons of course. For one he was a dragon and Hiccup was human, not that it mattered to Toothless as much as he thought it would matter to Hiccup and the rest of the tribe.

Also they were both males. Which again, not that Toothless cared, but he knew that the tribe would definitely care. Hiccup had told Toothless stories of how many people have been banished over the fact that they had been interested in the same-sex. Toothless couldn't believe how cruel that was. Just because they loved another human. Then of course Toothless felt that Hiccup saw him as a pet, a friend, not an real person. Hiccup hadn't even said that he loved him once always just that he's amazing it was nice but not the same.
And of course, the last reason, Toothless knew that Astrid and Hiccup were very close. So close that he wouldn't be surprised if Hiccup proposed to her any day now. The thought put a lump in Toothless stomach. He was happy that his human was happy but he couldn't help feeling jealous and of course sad that he couldn't make Hiccup happy in the same way. He wished he could, he really wished that he could. He felt like he could start crying any minute now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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