Part 1

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I lied in bed, flat on my stomach with my head facing the wall next to me.  I stayed up too late to pack my things up with my dad.  I lied still on the bed, as the door creaked open.  "Rowen, get up.  It's time for breakfast" dad's voice croaked through the silence.  The room fell silent, as I continued to lie on my bed.  I was so tired that I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to move today.  I just wanted to stay in bed, all day long.  I heard dad huff as footsteps entered the room, and someone plopped onto the bed.  The bed shifted a bit, which woke me up a little bit more.  A hand was placed on my shoulder, as dad's voice spoke a little louder.  "Rowen, it's time to get up.  Remember, we have the big move today."  I moaned a bit as I looked at him, with tired eyes.  "Five more minutes" I moaned as I rolled back in bed, and continued to sleep.  Dad huffed as he got up off the bed, and footsteps entered the room once more.  "I don't want to do this but" dad said, as the curtains were pulled open.  Imedantly, a bright yellowish white gaze shined in my room, right in my face. I squinted as I quickly block it with my hands. I moaned in frustration, as I finally opened my eyes all the way.  "Fine" I said, as I whipped off the covers and rolled out of bed.  I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, as I looked around.  Dad was picking up his clothes off the floor, and putting them into a bag with our dirty laundry.  He picked up the bag, and popped it down on the floor, by the door.  "Put your dirty clothes in that bag for now.  I'll see if I can use their washer when we get there" Dad said, as he walked out of the door, shutting it behind him.

I got up from the bed, as I picked up the folded pile of clothes next to me.  I put on a black tee shirt with a grey sweatshirt and dark blue jeans.  This was always what I wear no matter where I go.  I was home schooled, because the school here was full of humans, and their wasn't a good night class to enroll in.  So I was homeschooled by my dad, because he was taking online classes.  His class took all morning, then he would take the afternoon to do my classes.  He went to the nearest school for the lessons and papers, but I did them at home.  Once I was dressed, I quickly ran a comb through my hair, then looked to make sure I looked presentable.  I huffed as I put my dirty pajama's into the dirty laundry bag, and headed out into the kitchen. When I got out there, I saw my dad and grandma at the table, starting to eat the food that was displayed on the table.  It was just a plate of French toast, a small bottle of maple syrup, a tray of butter and a jug of blood.  A little black vase that held five red roses, sat as the centerpiece of the table, surrounded by everything.  I saw my grandmother at one end, back towards me, and dad across from her.

Dad looked up after taking a bite of his breakfast as he spoke.  "Dig in. The sooner we eat, the sooner we can move" he said, as he pushed his chair out and stood up.  I sat at my seat of the table, where a couple pieces of toast already sat, prepared for me to eat.  I grabbed my fork as I started to eat them, not covered with everything, just by themselves.  Dad looked at me, then at my food as he spoke.  "You don't want anything to put on them?" he asked, confused by the way I was eating.   I shook my head as I took another bite of the toast, and went for my glass.  I poured some blood in the glass as I took a sip.  I felt energized more, but it wasn't helpful because dad didn't let me sleep in like I usually do. I felt eyes from my grandmother look at me, as she chuckled. "Well someone's tired" she broke the silence with.  I nodded not thinking of anything to say.  I was too tired to even respond. Dad grabbed his plate, as he patted my back.  "Continue to get ready.  I'm going to put some of our luggage outside for the limo" he said, as he grabbed his plate, and walked over to the sink.

I continued eating while I heard Dad put his dishes in the sink, then go to pack up the last of our things.  I huffed as I started picking at the toast. I knew I had to finish, but I wasn't that hungry.  I heard the chair move as Uncle Richter stood over me, glaring at me with his dark, blackish red eyes. I looked up at him, feeling my stomach tighten in fear.  His glare got meaner as he spoke.  "Didn't your father tell you eat?" he asked, in a strict voice.  It sounded like he was going to hit me. I nodded silently, as I spoke in a soft voice.  "Yeah, but" I said when he interrupted.  "But nothing.  Listen to your father, and do as your told. You know I don't like it when you disobey him"  he said, as he went to slap my back.   He lifted his hand, but didn't do anything.  He looked behind me as someone cleared their voice.  "Richter, what do you think your doing?" Dad's voice spoke with anger growing within it.  Dad walked up to the table, placed his hand on my chair, as he spoke.  "Do we need to talk outside like last night?" dad asked, with anger in his voice. "Subaru . Maybe you should discipline your kid more.  How do you punish her?" Uncle Richter asked, as he eyed me. Dad's look got more angry as he spoke.  "That's not any of your business.  I told both you and mom about the rules with my daughter, and I expect you to follow them" dad growled in anger.  I sat there as I took another bite.  "Their going to get into a fight again" I thought to myself, as I started picking at my food.

Uncle Richter turned to dad, as he huffed.  "Subaru, I thought you wanted help with her?" he asked, which got his anger up more. "Yeah, with keeping an eye on her, or with homework.  Not disciplining her.  And I thought I told you both to keep your hands off my kid" dad responded, trying not to get angry with him. Uncle Richter didn't say anything in return, just keep giving dad the eye.  "Subaru" Uncle Richter was going to say but dad cut him off.  "Don't continue in front of Rowen.  She doesn't need any more fighting around.  If you want to continue with this, I'll happily take it outside, just not around my daughter."  The room turned quiet as I looked at the two of them.  I sighed, as I suddenly lost my appetite.  This only happens around fighting, which the house was full of it this morning.  I got up as I picked up my plate, and pushed in my chair.  Dad eyed me in a mixture of frustration and anger.  "I'm not hungry anymore" I said in a upsetting tone.  I walked over to the sink as I cleared my plate, and started cleaning my dishes. I could feel dad just staring at me, with anger all over his face.  Both Dad and Uncle Richard stood there in silence, just staring at me.  Once I was finished, I went to do what I had to in the bathroom, and go back into the bedroom.  "I'm going to finish packing" I said as I headed in the room, then shut the door.

At this moment, the house was silent.  I started to hear movements, in the other room, as a door slammed shut.  I ignored everything outside of the room, as I started to pack up my bedding, that lied on my bed.  I heard a knock on the door, as Dad spoke.  "Rowen, can I come in?" he asked without opening the door.  I didn't look at the door, just replied. "Yep, I'm just packing" I said as the door opened and shut.  I ignored the fact that he came in, just focused on my packing.  I struggled to ignore the fighting, seeing that it was an everyday thing.  Hopefully after the move, it will all end.  I stopped when something hit my back, and dad's arms wrap around me, interrupting my packing. "I'm sorry about that.  He knows not to do that around you" he said, as he squeezed on my arms.  I sat there in silence, as I huffed.  I felt like crying, but because of Uncle Richter, I don't really cry anymore.  I grabbed one of dad's hands, as I lowered my head, but didn't speak.  Finally, I looked up as I pushed away from him.  "Please Dad, I only have a couple more things to pack" I said as I continued packing.  Dad huffed as he started to grab boxes from the closet.  "Ok, I'll bring these out to the car" he said, as he brought them out of my room.  I stopped packing as I looked up.  Dad never liked me around fighting, and he always tried to make the situation better, when it was around.

I sighed as I looked at the picture by the bed.  It was a picture of my dad and I, when I was a kid.  He was sitting in one of the kitchen chairs, and I was on his lap.  He has his arms around my waist, and making it look like he was squeezing me.  His head was resting against my shoulder, as we both were smiling.  I stopped packing, as I picked up the picture, studying it.  "Hope this new home with be better for us" I said as I packed it with the box of random clothes, I had in it.  When I had it ready to go, I looked around the room as I sat on my mattress.  I huffed as I thought about everything.  We were getting ready to move with a bunch of strangers.  "Maybe it will be better then here" I said, as Dad came back into the room.  "You ready, little girl?" he asked, as he stood in the doorway.    I nodded in silence, as I reached down and grabbed my sneakers.  I always wore black and white running shoes, because they were very comforting. I put them on, as I got up from my bed, and started to look around for my sweatshirt.  I ended up searching in the kitchen, seeing it lying on the chair that I ate breakfast on.  I put it on and zipped it up, thinking positive about the move.  I sighed, as Grammy walked in front of me.  "You ready to go?" she asked, in a sad tone.  I nodded, knowing she didn't want to see us go.  "As ready as I'm going to be" I said as we headed out of the house.

We walked out the door, seeing Dad and Uncle Richter watching each other in hatred.  They didn't say anything, just stood there, watching each other.  I silently said bye to my Grammy, as I walked up to the two of them.  I stood in front of them, as I turned towards dad.  "If your ready, let's go" Dad said, as I nodded.  I started to enter the car, as Uncle Richter slapped my shoulder.  "See you later" he said, with a smile on his face.  "Don't slap my kid" Dad said to him in anger.  Dad huffed as he turned towards me.  "Alright, let's go" he said, as I started to get into the car.  He gave one last look to Uncle Richter as he joined me, and we took off to live in our new household.

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