Chapter 2

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As always, the gang was swept around and around through the portal vortex and into Shrek's dimension, landing directly in Shrek's swamp. Cynthia was the only one who landed splat on her face in a mud puddle. 

"Oh great, we just got here and now i'm already dirty" Cynthia pouted. She cringed while moaning once she got up out of the mud. 

"At least we made it without any problems" David told the immature fashionista. The gang then spotted Donkey over by Shrek's house. 

"Donkey!" Ginger, Rocky and Nobby were the first to run over to him with the teens quickly following.

"Kali! Teeders! Ginger! Rocky! Everybody! What are you all doing here?" The talkative donkey asked in surprise, happy to see his old friends again. 

"We thought we'd stop by and visit" Teeders replied. 

"But where are Shrek and Fiona?" The twins asked, looking around. 

"Are they on holiday?" Babs always had to ask that question while she was knitting, much to everyone else's annoyance.

"Honeymoon, actually" Donkey replied. "But they should be back soon". 

Donkey then turned to see Bunty, Fowler, and the rest of the chicken family. "Oh, Ginger are these your friends?" he asked.

"Family too" Ginger replied when she, Rocky, and Nobby introduced the other chickens to him. 

"Hi!" The chicks waved, being very friendly to the donkey they just met, while the other adult chickens said their hellos. 

"Nice to meet you" Donkey smiled to all of them.

With that, Donkey was glad to have company. In the meantime, the gang decided to get comfortable, knowing it would be awhile until Shrek and Fiona would return. 

Strangely though, Kali's crystal contiued flashing since they had arrived in Shrek's swamp. 

"Why's it doing that?" Ann asked her sister. Everyone else noticed the flashing in the crystal. 

Kali closed her eyes and started telepathically communicating with the crystal to figure it out. "Hold on... I'm getting something" Kali paused for a moment. "It says.. we're.. getting.. visitors?".  

"Visitors?" The rest of the gang looked at each other confused. 

"Ooh, more friends" Donkey seemed excited.

They all soon turned to see a huge aurora of light, and there was a sudden flash. Everyone had to cover their eyes for a sec. 

"Who is it?" Ginger asked Kali, while everyone still covered their eyes from the flash. 

It was soon over and once the teens looked, they suddenly went wide-eyed and their jaws dropped. Shocked to see that it was none other than the mane six ponies from Equestria. The ponies where just as shocked themselves, what were they doing here?

"Where are we?" Twilight asked, surprised at how she and her friends were just suddenly transported into another world that was unknown to them. 

"What in the name of Celestia is going on here?" Applejack was also surprised, looking around with the others.

"Ew a swamp!" Rarity exclaimed, already being disgusted. 

Fluttershy was just all nervous, being in a strange place. She yelped and hid behind the others, being startled by what was only a swamp frog. 

"Hey look girls. There's some humans over there who look just like Kali, Teeders, David, Ann, Brock, and Cynthia!" Pinkie pointed out, talking quickly and lively. All bubbly like she always was, before gasping "It is!". 

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