I'm your... Father?

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Forgive me for my selfishness, for not letting you know about the existence of this child. You're the father of this little boy, please don't mistaken it, there is no other man on earth that I loved more than you. I didn't want to shake your family, much less make you unhappy, or cause you problems and worries. I have been hiding the truth from you for three years, and now my time is limited. I allowed myself to believe that I could do this without you, to live quietly raising him without a father. But now I need you. Don't deny the truth, the child is not to blame for the sins of adults. His name is Bogum, born on March 10, 2016. Please do not look for me... I didn't wish this would happen, but I have no regrets. However, I want you to know, there was no moment that has passed in my life that I've had not though about you.
I love you. Goodbye.

All they had was that letter, so small but terrifying. Jaehyun appeared to be feeling ill as he sat on his bed still uneasy. With the right hand on his jaw, he stared at the little boy who now looked around the room curiously.

"Jaehyun, tell me, what's going on?" Gayeon crouched close to the crib catching the smallest in her arms preventing him from whining again "Is he really your..."

"No!" he looked flustered, eventually raising his voice "I... I don't think so, it can't be. To have a baby, you need to... You know..."

"So the person got confused and left a baby in the wrong house? In the letter says he's two years old by now. Are you sure nothing happened?

"No, of course not! Two years ago..." The only thing that comes to mind is my parents' Silver Wedding" he began confidently, but then his tone changed, becoming dubious and confused.

"Hm... And you don't remember anything else?"

"I drank in secret... For the first time I got very drunk, but nothing happened, my parents were very busy, so the daughter of a friend of my father appeared and..." at that moment he froze, his eyes widened.

"Jung Jaehyun, congratulations now you're a father..." she didn't want to be ironic, but to scold him instead "Why the hell did you have the will to drink so much, in secret by the way, in the party of your own parents?! This was a stupid idea!" for some reason Gayeon was extremely irritated.

"I had my reasons, okay?! You have no right to judge me!" they were both screaming at each other, which eventually made Bogum cry. With a long sigh, Jaehyun approached the small one and took him off of her arms.

"I'm sorry..." she lowered her head avoiding eye contact.

For her, she was just his neighbor in his eyes and nothing more.

"Look, I don't want to argue... We're not going anywhere with this" he went to the corridor with the baby, probably going to the living room. She followed him carrying the yellow bag that was next to the little crib where Bogum was found.

They ended up being silent for a while, Gayeon warmed up some milk for the baby while Jaehyun was lost in thought, only God know what thoughts, for long and painful minutes. After she handed him the baby bottle, the girl approached the couch sitting next to him and watched Bogum being fed by Jaehyun. Even if he refused to believe the situation, he didn't reject the boy, he was actually treating him very affectionately which touched deep in her heart. Didn't wanting to break that silence, Gayeon just stared at him in a serene way. Unfortunately, his phone rang awakening her from that possible trance. Gayeon almost died from a heart attack, jumping off the sofa, which made the taller one laughs a little.

"Calm down... We already have a baby; you don't have to give birth to another" he laughed, even though he was apprehensive.

With his left hand, he reached down to the coffee table, resting the empty bottle and reaching for his cell phone. With his forefinger to his lips, he asked for silence to answer the call.

My Neighbor has a Baby?! ⇨ Eng Ver ✓Where stories live. Discover now