Chapter 2: "...I'll show you how Alcohol works..."

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A/N: Chapter visuals above ⬆️
I couldn't wait till Wednesday ... whoops...


It was nearing 8pm now and we only sold two paintings today, including the ass who bought my painting. Since no one seemed to be coming, I closed up the Art Gallery and drove over to Erika's club.

Because I hadn't been frequently visiting, like I used to, Erika's front bouncers, Damian and Jason, almost miss me completely; before greeting me at the entrance and opening the rope, allowing me to enter.

"Erik's at the bar today." Jason stated, gesturing towards the bar as we ignored the complaints from impatient people waiting in line.

Walking past them, I nod in thanks. Only having taken three steps in, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I am instantly ready to punch the drunk guy who was going to try and hit on me, but turn to see Damian smiling; which instantly calmed me down.

"It's good to see you again Ange." He said before letting go.

"Likewise, Damian. It has been a long few months." I say endearingly, earning an understanding nod from both of them.

I continue walking to the bar once again, reaching it just as Erika hands a row of shots to some girls that looked like they were having a bachelorette party. Just as I approached the bar, Erika looks up, catching my glance and waves towards me, almost surprised that I made it. Taking off her waist apron, she tosses it to one of the four people who were working that night and walks down the three hidden stairs which elevated them from drunk idiots who wanted to climb over.

Finally in earshot, Erika screams, "You made it!"

"You weren't expecting me?" I said, slightly insulted.

"I had my doubts, but since you're here, come on; I booked us a VIP area." She said, as she dragged me upstairs to an area that was decorated with black leather seats and red velvet cushions. There was an eye catching centerpiece, on top of a solid marble table, with a bottle of rum and two iced glasses waiting for us. Knowing what she had in mind, I rolled my eyes and sat down, finally relaxing.

"What happened to the wine?" I asked.

"Uh, we ran out..." She lied, horribly.

"Dude, I have to drive home after this, and I have work tomorrow." I explained.

"That's fine. You can sleep at mine tonight and my driver can drop you to work." She said, waving her hand dismissively as she poured me a glass. Realising there was no point in arguing with her, I drank.

"But anyways, that's not what we came here for. How's everything with the Gallery going?" She asked, laying back into the couch.

"Well, last month's overdue payments are finally done with." I said and took another sip.

"That's GREAT news!" She spoke enthusiastically.

"Yea, but now I have to find a way to pay this month's bills, and if things go the way they are now, I'm gonna have to sell the Gallery..." I murmured miserably.

"Fuck dude, I'm sorry to hear." She said sincerely.

Silence set in the conversation, as I finally had a sudden realisation of just how screwed I was.

"WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!" Erika said, slamming her glass down on the table. The glass miraculously remained intact.

Still shaking from Erika's sudden outburst, I look at her confused.

"What?!" I yelled back.

"Work for me!" She stated. The alcohol was starting to take an effect on both of us as she got more and more excited.

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