"Umm, excuse me bitch?" Part 3

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"HE DID WHAT?!" Elle said over FaceTime. I was now at a hotel in the Bahamas in a different room than my brother and his girlfriend, FaceTiming my best friend. I was telling her about the eventful plane ride I had with Namjoon.

"Wait I'm confused, start over from the beginning y/n!" Regina whined over the FaceTime call. Elle was taking most of the space of the screen and Regina was trying to get some of it so I could see her. By then end, they were pushing and shoving each other to have the screen time. I smile really wide seeing my friends being the idiots they were.

"Agh okay." I said. I was a bit annoyed I had to repeat the story all over again but here I am... repeating the story all over again.
"So after he says his name and I say mine, he asked a bunch of questions of my life. He said jokes here and there and then asked if I would want to listen to music with him. And of course I said yes because have you seen the man!" I said overly exaggerated, fanning myself with my hand as if the room was boiling.

"No I haven't see the man... how does he look like anyway?" Regina said adorably, as if she was a 5 year old.

"He's cute but waayy out of your league" Elle emphasizes her wording to sound extra.

"Umm excuse me bitch? The only man that is out of my league is Jesus and that is because he isn't on earth!" Regina snapped at Elle. Elle didn't seem to care and asked me what happened after Regina interrupted.

"Well we were listening to hip hop music like Eminem, Tupac, and Tech n9ne. Until a random song comes out that doesn't sound American. So I was like what the actual fuck is this. And what I found so funny is that Namjoon's eyes widen really big when the song started to play. He then automatically grabbed his phone and switched the song so fast so I couldn't see who was singing. I just laughed it off and we kept listening to music as if nothing happened, and then it happened again! The song actually sounded cool so I took his phone before he would take it and change it." I explained.

"Oh my god, what song was it?" Regina asked eagerly.

"Well when I turn on the phone, the title was called Not Today and the artist was called BTS. That's when Namjoon started to panic and tried taking the phone away from me but I didn't let him. So we were basically fighting to the death for a phone in the middle of the flight. But as always, men are stronger than women so he won the fight." I stated.

"Nooooooo! If I was you, I would have slapped his ass before he could even touch the phone!" Regina said while slapping the air. Elle was a bit annoyed so she stopped Regina's hand from slapping the air before asking me to keep going.

"So I was laughing really hard at the fact he didn't want me to hear the song and all he did was laugh nervously. So I left it like that, I didn't want to ask him more questions because I felt like he was going to explode if I did. After 30 minutes, Namjoon needed to go to the bathroom. Dude! It was so fucking funny because he got up and then turbulence of the plane made him loose his balance and fall onto some granny in front of us. You should have seen the granny's face, she was about to whip out her purse and hit Namjoon." I laughed while I explained. Elle and Regina had no fucking clue what I was saying by the end of it but they were laughing at the fact that I was laughing really hard. I breathed in a out after a good hard laugh and proceeded with story.

"So once I saw Namjoon almost break the door of the bathroom shut, I pulled out my phone so quick and looked up BTS. After a long moment of loading since the WiFi sucks ass, pictures of a group of guys popped up. So BTS means Bangtang Seoyeondan or "Bulletproof Boyscouts" according to the legendary Wikipedia. I was looking at the pictures carefully and DUUUUDDEE! Namjoon was one of the guys in the group pictures. HE IS IN A FUCKING BOY BAND! BUT NOT JUST ANY BOY BAND, A KOREAN BOY BAND!" I shout to them.

"No... Fucking... Way... HE IS FUCKING FAMOUS?!" Elle shouted, almost making Regina deaf from the left ear.
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN! NO NEED TO SHOUT AND MAKE ME DEAF IN ONE EAR" Regina screamed at Elle, she didn't give two shits and asked me to keep going.

"So once Namjoon got out of the bathroom and walked to his chair without hurting anyone he said the most random thing ever. So before I could say anything he was like "So I forgot that we were inside turbulence so my whole entire body was bumping into random things in the bathroom. I literally jabbed my rib onto the sink handle, it's hurting like a fucking bitch right now." So me being me, I laughed and then proceeded with asking him about BTS. The minute I did, dude, his face was so fucking pale I thought he was going to barf on me. But we then talked about it like normal adults... nah I'm just kidding I started to fan girl like crazy to the point he had to cover my mouth with his hand."

"Damn dude, who would of thought that he was actually famous. I thought he didn't wanna show you the song because it was in a porn show or something." Elle stated which made Regina laughed really hard.

"Nah but by the end, me and him became really good friends and he told me a lot more about BTS then I knew from my research. His band mates were actually in the same flight as us, just in different seats." I explained to them.

"Did you see them? Were they hot?" Regina said, peeking through the screen, showing only her forehead and one eye.

"Nah but we did exchange numbers so we're texting right now" I smirk at them.

"OOOOOH GET IT GIRL! Well anyway, we got to go so Goodnight, sleep tight..." Elle says.

There was silence over the phone, and all you could see was Elle slowly starting to get offended.

"GOODNIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT..." Elle said again but much louder. I sighed really loudly before I let her be satisfied.

"Don't let the assholes ruin your night..." I softly said back before ending the call and getting under the white bed sheets of the hotel.

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