"Welcome to the party" Part 6

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The more and more closer we walked over to where the boys were relaxing, I felt a knot in my stomach start to grow. I'm literally about to meet 6 gorgeous men. What do i do? Do I shake their hands? Bow? Do I give them a cool handshake? Do I just smile? WHAT DO I DO? Maybe I should just tell Namjoon I'm going to the bathroom and never come back. Yeah... yeah that sounds like a plan! I was about to start with the plan but Namjoon cut me to it.

"Don't worry, they are nice people. Why are you stressing so much?" He asked me concerned.

"W-what? I am not..." I said, he saw right through it.

"You are a horrible liar, you know that right?"

I just sighed back at him as my answer.

"Y/n... we may be idols but we are just as human as you. You are a great and funny person. You need to stop stressing about the boys. There nice and they know that me and you are good friends so they won't try to do anything bad." He finally said, making me less tense than before. He's right... I am funny person!

As we finally get there, some of the guys are inside the pool, one is napping, and some others are having a casual talk. All of them are totally ignoring there surroundings until...

"YES! NAMJOONIE HAS DRINKS!" One of them says.

"And who is the random girl next to him?" Another one said.

My throat shut, I lost my breathing. Oh god no, I'm panicking my ass off. Namjoon placed the drinks on the table next to them and placed one hand on my back, it made relax a bit knowing that I wasn't doing this alone.

"Guys, this is the girl I met in the plane. Her name is y/n" he finally said. I see half of the boys smile like crazy and the other ones really confused.

"Oh! Hi my name is Hoseok, and that is Yoongi over there sleeping." The man told me, he was really pretty. His hair color was a fainted dark orange and had a few gray streaks here and there, it was actually really cool. His smile was very wide and his face structure matched his face a lot. He was a little bit taller than but then again, I'm a tall person.

He walked over to me and gave me his hand to shake it, i gladly did. And then I lost contact with him and looked at the man who was sleeping. He had sunglasses on so I couldn't clearly see his face, but he seemed cool.

"I'm Jin and this is Taehyung" one of the men inside of the pool said waving at me, i waved back. One of them was wearing goggles and it made me laugh a bit.

"And I'm Jimin!" A man walking up to us with towels said. He placed the towels on the table and greeting me by shaking my hand.

This is nice, I was thinking a little too much. These guys seem great! But I remember that there was 7 members, not 6. Or maybe I was just tripping.

"Where Jungkook?" Namjoon finally spoke out. Well that finally answered my question.

"Probably with Reign," Jimin groaned.

"Who the hell is Reign?"

"She is this random girl he met in the plane. I don't like her though, there is just something off about her," Jimin replied finally sitting in his seat.

"Maybe your just tripping. She is also Kookie's type so he must really like the girl. You should probably cut her some slack," Yoongi replied, finally getting up from his nap. And what the hell is kookie?

"Oh hi!" Yoongi finally told me, I smiled back.

"Guys I'm fucking starving, can we please get something to eat!" Hoseok whined.

"Maybe when you buy me a new bag of chips, since you ate the last bag I had!" Jin snapped back at him.

"I said we were sorry" Yoongi groaned back at him.

"Y/n, wanna eat lunch with us?" Jimin said, ignoring the conversation the rest of them were having about the chips.

I smiled and looked at the rest of them, they where all hoping for my answer.
"Sure!" I finally said, making Namjoon relax a bit next to me. The rest did the same.

"Great!" Taehyung said while getting out of the pool, taking of his goggles and grabbing a towel. I tried really hard looking at his face but my eyes kept going to his cute little six pack. He look like an adorable little kid with his box-like smile. He started to walk up to me and he twisted his arm with mine as if it was prom. I looked at him confused but he was so adorable, I couldn't refuse.

"Let's go" Taehyung finally said while dragging me a bit when he started to walk. I started to walk with him since I had no choice.

"Wait, What about kookie?" Jin spoke out, drying himself with a towel.

"He is with Reign anyway. If he wants to find us, he will just have to call us." Yoongi said while putting on a shirt. Hoseok was doing the same.

I look over at Taehyung, I caught him staring at me. The boy looked away quickly and I chuckled to myself realizing what the boy was doing. He looks back at me and we interlock eyes, I nod at him and he took it as a cue to start moving. We started to walk and the rest of the boys followed us behind. When we finally reached the restaurant, the waiter asked us how many and Taehyung said eight. I look at him confused, since we were seven. And he just smiled back at me, I'm guessing it's for "kookie".

Once we finally sat down and started to talk, i realized this wasn't so bad. These boys were really nice and funny. Especially Jin with his laugh, most of the time I was laughing really hard just because of his laugh. After a while, we heard the door of the restaurant open, I looked to see who it was and my eyes grew wide.

It was a man with a black hoodie covering most of his face. His was wearing blue ripped jeans and some timbs. Taehyung saw that I looked confused so he looked where I was looking, his smile grew.

"Welcome to the party Jungkook!"

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