"You owe me a kiss, idiot" Part 13

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Have you ever felt as if time stopped?
How you and someone else are together, in a new world, moving at full speed when everyone else hasn't moved an inch. Just the two of you, sharing something others are not sharing. Not caring if everyone is looking or no one is looking, just you and the person are in the moment.
Alone and safe.
Just staring at each others eyes, feeling one anothers movements.
Even if you met that person 2 days ago, maybe even 3, you feel safe in their arms.
You can have this exact moment with anyone else, but still not feel the same.
This sweet but thrilling, sparks-flying moment.
Its something you have always thought about, but never, ever, thought to feel it in person.
I haven't felt this feeling, and I hope he hasn't either, but damn, I love it.
Was is this?
Was is this sweet sensational feeling building up at our finger-tips.
Its something drastic, but yet, so simplistic.

I have always been a dancer, it is born in my Latina blood. Although, I am dancing right now, but it feels as if I have never danced in my life. Its a new way of dancing the same routine I do when I dance, but why? I have done this with so many other guys and it has never felt, new. But now, when I do it with him, I feel tingly and comfortable, why?

I look at his eyes, his dark chocolate colored eyes. My eyes fall away from his eyes and somehow been placed to his lips, oh god damn. I look up from it, afraid of the signal I probably gave him. Im afraid, but hungry, oh god.
I look at his eyes.
He looks at mine.
My hands are placed at the back of his neck, slightly pulling his hair for grip.
His hands are placed at my waist, pulling my body closer and closer to his. Not second guessing his movements.
One of my hands falls from his neck to his cheek, letting the intensity grow.
I swayed my hips one side, his follow.
I pulled his head closer to mine, he allows it.
He pulls my waist closer to his abdomen area, I allow him.
No one is stopping us, we won't allow it.
The music is blaring, the only source of reality at this moment.
The rhythm making me move my hips to one side and Jungkook following along.
I love it, but I have to stop it.

My head snapped back into reality.
My heart is panicking. Wanting to run out of my chest.
My legs feel numb, as if I'm going to collapse any second now.
I let reality sink in, letting my brain take the lead.
I'm never going to see this man after this week, but even if I do, I feel in my gut that it won't be the same. We will have different feelings or maybe fall in love with someone else. I can't let my heart feel this way. I'm scared, happy, and nauseous all at the same time.
I need to leave before something happens.

The song ends, my hands release him and I stop moving my hips.
I smile at his confused face.
I got closer to his form and whispered into his ear..
"I have to go but thank you for this special night,"
Letting the last words linger before I create a space bubble between us, and walk away like a model.
I don't look back, but I know for a fact that he is.
I smirk at myself, knowing what I just did, but let it slowly fall. This is for the best y/n, you need to let go of these feelings.
I said bye to the guys, who were sitting at the table, before grabbing my purse and strutting off.

Im back at the hotel room.
My party outfit was put away and my pajamas were put on. My face is bare and I am now wearing glasses instead of contacts. I'm comfortable.
No matter how hard I try, I can't forget about what happened today.
Oh... what a day!
Im in my bed, with the sheets covering my legs, watching on of my favorite tv shows. Its been half an hour and I already feel my eyes slowly start to droop and want to shut. I was about to shut off for good, but there was a knock on the door. My eyes shoot up, taking some time for my brain to process that someone is outside of the door. I slowly walk away from the bed and closer to the door. I let my hand fall to the door knob and slowly open the door, its jungkook.

His eyes are slightly red, cheeks are a light shade of pink, and he has a big smile plastered on his face, is he drunk?
He walks into the room, slightly fumbling and almost hitting his head with the wall. I chuckled at his form.
I closed the door to the room and quickly walked to jungkook and tried helping him, placing his body on top of the bed. He sits up from the position he was in and starts to speak.

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