"What if?" Part 17

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Its 10:30 in the morning. My day barely started but it felt like there was nothing that could motivate me to get out and live my life. I couldn't look at my phone because he was texting me non-stop. I couldn't get out of my room and go eat breakfast because I knew I would find the guys and I would start sobbing. So I just laid in the hotel bed, feeling nothing but heartbreak. It was for the best Y/N..... it was for the best.

I suddenly hear someone unlock my hotel room and open the door. My heart started to pound, not knowing who it was until I hear him bump into something and groan out of pain. I sigh and relax back into my bed. I see him fumble with the groceries and place them on top of the bed. I look at him, and just like that... there is tears streaming down my face. And I didn't even force them, they just decided to pop out and say hi. He walked quickly to me and hugged my weak form. He hugged me tight and concerning, it was very comforting.

"It's okay y/n, everything will be okay..." he softly told me.

"No... it... won't..." i sniffled between every word.
"I... fucked up... and you... know it" i said as I sobbed to him.

"You did what was best for you and for him. That's probably the best decision you could have ever done," he said, softly caressing your back as you sobbed to him. You broke the contact between both of you as you tried to collect yourself, wiping you tears.

"Namjoon.." I softly spoke, barely a whisper.
He looked at you as a response.

"Why does it feel like it wasn't for the best? Why does it feel like I just made the biggest mistake of my life?" I choked out, wiping some tears that decided to roll out.

"Y/n, do you want to be with him?" He asked. I looked down, playing with my fingers.

I softly spoke, "yes but what if.. what if.." I didn't finish my sentence, I just stayed quiet. Not wanting to finish the sentence I started.

"Why are you worried about the what if's? A simple idea in your brain shouldn't affect the way your life will turn out."

"But what if it does, what if we go out and break up, what do I do then?!" I looked into his eyes, looking for an answer through them. I found nothing, I looked back down.

He chuckled to himself, I looked at him confused.
"You think too much, do you know that?"

"Sort of..." I chuckled a bit.

Namjoon smiled at you and got up. He walked away from the bed and to the balcony of the hotel room. He opened the curtains, the sun shined so bright, it made you squint. He then proceeded to open the slide door, you could hear the bird and the waves of the ocean crash. Even if you weren't close to the outside world, it fell as if you were in it. The smells, the sounds, the views... it can literally make anyone stare for hours.

"Y/n, tell me what you smell, what you see, what you hear." He told me, I frowned a bit, confused over why he wanted me to, but I did anyway.

"Umm, I smell humidity... uhhh I hear birds screeching... uhh I can't see anything because the sun is blinding my vision." I responded and he laughed.

"That's not what I wanted to hear, but alright." He said while coming back to the bed, the slide door was still open.
"Look at this humid, screeching bird, blinding place. Even though you think of this place like that, I know damn well that Jungkook sees it as the place where he met the love of his life." He smiled to you. You looked down, playing with your fingers again.
He kept going.

"Even after describing this scenery, do you still wanna look at this place as a piece of junk, or as the time you fell in love with Jungkook." He sighed to you which made your head shoot up.

"Uh-I uhhh I'm not in love...." i defended myself.

"Ahhhh, so then why are you making a big deal about this?" He smirked to me.

"Uh- because I care about him.."

"Yeah, whhaaaateevvverrr.." he said while rolling his eyes. "There is more to it then just caring for him,"

You stayed quite, fidgeting with your hands again.

"Have you ever thought, maybe just maybe, these what ifs in your brain, are you just being scared of what Jungkook Can make with your life."
I frowned to him.

"Explain," I stated.

"Instead of what if he breaks up with you, your real what if is if he doesn't break up with you, how would your life be? Your so scared of something that hasn't even happened yet. Your life will never be expected y/n... your causes, your effects, will never be expected. Don't beat yourself up for something that is just an idea. I've never seen Jungkook so happy with someone in my entire life, Jungkook truly needs you. Whether you believe it or not.." he gracefully told you. Your mind is going crazy, you don't even know how to respond anymore.

Namjoon sighed, he pulled out his phone and checked the time. Time was flying by faster than ever. It's now 4 in the afternoon.

You both talk a little more before he got a text to be back at his hotel room ASAP. You both said your goodbyes and you decided to order room service and call it a night. You picked up the remote and started to switch on the channels on the tv. You didn't think much of this till a particular channel popped up. The channel was talking about how BTS are becoming more known and how fans go to the airports to greet them and how their the new one direction and shit. I was about to almost switch the channel again until they decided to show a clip of them being themselves. It was a clip of them being idiots while dancing to War of Hormone. You chuckled a bit as Yoongi hit Namjoon in the forehead and the others going crazy over nothing. You watched some more until your smile fell slightly. They showed a clip of Jungkook singing to a song in a red outfit with sunglasses that had a plastic mustache attached to it. He looked like he was having a lot of fun, and Taehyung too, if you didn't notice the horrible camera filming since he was laughing so much. You kept looking at Jungkook and the what if's popped back into your brain. What if... what if...

You kept swiping through more channels till you heard a knock on your door. "Finally, I've been waiting for room service forever now..." You mumbled. As you walked to the door, you just kept imagining your food. You opened the door and your smile slowly faded away and your eyes grew bigger than ever.

"Jungkook, What are you doing here?"

A/N: hi! Sorry I haven't written in a while

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A/N: hi! Sorry I haven't written in a while. I would promise that i would post more frequently but I can't be sure of keeping that promise, hahaha sorry! :))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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