"Y/n, who is this?" Part 5

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The man looks at me, his eyes get wide.
"Y/n?!" He almost shouts, making everyone around him turn to our direction. He gives me a small hug, I return it back.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me, still shocked over the fact that I'm in front of the man. I chuckled a bit.

"I tracked you down. I figured out your parents names, your address, and even your favorite bar..." I said smiling back him, trying really hard not to laugh, it didn't work.

"Haha, very funny!" He sarcastically said back at me, I just laughed it off.
"But actually, what are you doing here?"

"The same reason as you, I'm taking a break from society," I said while signing the check the bar tender gave me while placing all of my drinks on the table in front of me.

"Oooh." He says back.
"Who are you with?"

"With my brother and his girlfriend, third-wheeling like usual... what about you?" I replied while grabbing the three drinks tight, hoping that they won't slip and fall out of my hands.

"Oh, I'm actually with my band mates. Ive talk to them a lot about you. Actually, do you wanna meet them?" He said, getting himself hyped up. I on the other hand, choked on my own saliva...

"I-i ah... sure." My inner me is slapping me in the face knowing that I wasn't ready for this. Your an idiot y/n....

"Great! How about I walk with you to your family, i greet them and we walk back to where my band mates are. They were hungry so you might go to lunch with them, unless you don't want to." He explains to me, showing me hoping eyes.

"N-no! It's perfectly f-fine!" I said while chuckling to clear the mood. Oooh you best believe the inner me is beating me up so badly right now...

"Great" Namjoon said while signing the check the bar tender gave him, placing his drinks on the table in front of us. Once he grabbed his drinks securely, we started to walk over to the hut my brother was tanning in... GREAT! As we were walking in the sand, I watched my brother and the hut becoming closer to the eye. My arm pits start to get really sweaty, knowing what is about to happen. I try really hard not to panic but I'm softly laughing at myself to try to ignore the future tension that will occur. Once we walk close enough, to the point were I can clearly see my brothers face, my mouth becomes dry and my hands become a lot more sweaty than usually. Water is literally leaving my mouth and coming into my hands! I was a little relieved when I noticed his eyes were shut, he was napping.

Me and Namjoon finally reached the hut and I placed the drinks on top of the small table the hut had. I was trying to be as quite as possible, not wanting to wake up the scary man but it was too late...

"Oh thank god, my mouth couldn't take it anymore! Oh, who is this?!" Andrea said a little too loudly, my brothers eyes opened so fast it felt like the inner beast in him escaped. I turned to Namjoon with begging eyes, this dude needs to leave before Elijah decides to have a conference with him.


I greeted the lady who was in front of me with a little smile and a bow. I looked back to see you, you were staring at me. Your eyes were telling me something, I didn't know what though. As I try to comprehend what your are trying to tell me with your eyes, the man next to the lady suddenly gets up from his position as if he was a vampire. I loose contact with you to see the man who was mad dogging me.

He had brown curly hair, nice face structure, broad shoulders and really, really, really noticeable muscles. I gulped down the saliva that was growing inside my mouth. I somehow didn't notice my breathing stopped for a good few seconds until I was starting to breathe unevenly. Even though me and the man are the same height, I felt like I shrunk 4 feet and probably looked like a bowl of rice to him. I finally understood what you were trying to tell me, you wanted me to run. I want to run, but my feet are practically glued to the sand. Fuck...

"Y/n... who is this?" The man spoke to you. I literally feel my soul start to slip away from my body. Fuck, I'm light headed...

"This the guy who sat next to me on the plane ride over here. We became friends and I found him while I was asking for drinks. His name is Namjoon." You replied with a small voice. Damn this guy is fucking scary, I feel bad for the man who is going to marry y/n.

"Oh okay..." he said while slowly falling back down to his old position. My breathing somehow went back to normal when that happened. I realized your breathing also did the same thing. After a few seconds of staring at the man, looking like complete idiots, you grabbed my wrist and turn me around to walk the opposite direction of the hut.

"So where is your group?" You sighed. It seemed like you forgot what happened a few seconds ago, me on the other hand have it burning in my mind.

"I-uhh oh! Yeah... there at that pool over there," I said while pointing to the groups direction with a hand I had with some of the drinks.

"Want me to help you?" You asked me sweetly, noticing that I was struggling really badly.

"Oh yes please" I started to hand you three of the six drinks that I had, trying really hard not to drop them.


"YOU DID WHAT?" Hoseok said while laughing really hard on his bed in the hotel room. Yoongi was laughing next to him but not as hard. Hoseok literally tipped over of how much he was laughing.

"Oh shut up! The granny was in my way and the turbulence just happen to tip me over to her chair, can we just drop it please!" I groaned, annoyed over the fact that he was laughing a little to hard. Hoseok fell off of his bed of laughter, Me and Yoongi chuckled a bit. He got back on.

"Okay so let me get this straight. You and the girl are now talking over text?" Hoseok asked finally able to talk without laughing.


"So, do you like the girl?" Yoongi asked while grabbing a chip from the bag he stole from Jin's suitcase.

"Nah! But she is very pretty. I feel like she would suit well with Jimin or something." I said while grabbing one of the chips left inside of the bag.

"Well she seems cool. I wanna meet her..." Hoseok said.

"You will someday, maybe through FaceTime or something." I finally say before we hear Jin walk into the room yelling over the fact someone ate his chips. Fuck...


Wow... I didn't think Hoseok and Yoongi would actually meet you that quickly but here we are walking over to the pool the group was relaxing at. GREAT!


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