Chapter Four

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The three men looked around taking pictures of the leaves and broken trees. Even a dying, living tree's picture was taken by the photographers. It was a gold mine of opportunities of the forest.

The snapped a picture of an elder tree that was close to its death as it is

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The snapped a picture of an elder tree that was close to its death as it is. They were never even respectful to the dying tree and just kept walking. All but Jace, he gave the tree his hand and told the tree, "you lived a peaceful life. May you find your way in the afterlife."

Gabriel and Marco continued on their way and heard the growls of the ghouls. No matter who you are, you could have killed a thousand people and yet still wet your pants when you hear the growls of these terrible creatures.

"We need to leave!" Gabriel shouted trying to back up until Marco stopped him. "C'mon. Jace survived them before and we need that rare picture of the wolf in this forest. Stop being such a little girl!" He mocked him. Marco didn't want to leave this forest empty handed and the wolf meant huge profits to their cause.

It was at that moment when they thought they were crazy, because in the distance they heard "hello?" The men stayed in one place looking around for the voice. Were they crazy? Where they hearing things?

"Alright Marco quit messing with me! I know it was you who said hello!" Gabriel shouted at him in annoyance. Marco protested saying it was not him and looked at Jace, but he was silent this whole time.

"Hello?" Jace said out loud and waited for a response from the accursed forest. It didn't take long for the forest to light up with laughter from the ghouls. It was their trick. "Hello? Hello? Hello?" The voice continued as the men all glanced at each other.

What in the world was that voice? Who was it from? And why was it talking to the not so neighborly heroes? Jace looked around once more and said out loud, "my name is Jace. What's your name?"

"My name is Lachlan! Hello hello hello!" The voice continued. Jace was so confused as to what he was talking to in these woods. "Where are you Lachlan?" Jace asked the mysterious voice and the patience of his friends ran thin.

"This is ridiculous Jace, we have to find this stupid wolf and leave!" Marco shouted and started to walk with Gabriel and their cameras. Jace sighed and followed behind him wondering who could have been talking back to him. Maybe he'll meet them later down the road.

The three men continued to walk until they found a hole in the dirt

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The three men continued to walk until they found a hole in the dirt. "This was my fire pit." Jace told his friends as they started looking around for wolf tracks. From what they gathered, there were multiple tracks and no one of them were like a wolf except the ones from the wolf paw print photo Jace took himself.

"You weren't lying." Marco said as he witnessed the tracks. Gabriel was also very stunned by the discovery of the discovery that was claimed to be faked but for Jace to know that his work could finally be proof to someone was all he could ever ask for.

The photographers snapped pictures of Jace by the paw prints so they could be real proof of its appearance in the forest. It was at this point where Jace started to have a horrible feeling about the forest now. It was quiet... to quiet. Where were the ghouls?

"Look!" Gabriel shouted and pointed at a direction. He saw what appeared to be an Arctic wolf tail so he ran with his camera to snap a picture only to be tricked by the ghouls which attacked him. "Oh Sunny Hill Internet Talent!" Marco yelled as he grabbed Jace by the shoulder and ran at a direction.

Painful screams from Gabriel were filling the dark, edgy sky of the forest. After running towards a safe distance where there was an open area only to be surrounded by trees Marco and Jace paced around and tried catching their breath. "What the hell were those things?" Marco asked continuously as he looked at Jace for an answer.

"Trickster Ghouls." Jace answered as he started to dig a fire pit. "Go collect firewood! Now!" He demanded and Marco for once took orders for their survival. The screams eventually came to a stop which signaled Jace to know that he would never see his friend again.

"I'm sorry Gabe. I shouldn't have brought you here." Jace said as he gave a moment of silence for his deceased friend. But his silence was broken when his friend Marco came running with the firewood. It didn't take much for them to start a fire but thankfully they were able to make one fast.

Jace sat down by the fire and looked at his friend, "I can't believe he's actually gone." Jace said sadly. Marco said nothing and looked at the fire in shock and fear. Nothing could calm down these two boys that got lost in the woods. "Eliza.. forgive me.." Jace muttered under his breath as his heart never moved on from her even though her heart moved on from his.

Marco looked at Jace and struggled saying, "are we going to die here.. Jace?" But after the question was asked laughter filled the air. Not only were the ghouls laughing at the two stranded visitors, but the trees were laughing to.

But what seemed like all hope was lost was the silhouette of what they were searching for creeping around the bushes near the border before disappearing once more. The friends looked at each other then at the direction they saw what they thought was the wolf.

Was the wolf spying on us? Was it going to protect us now? Who knows.. but the mysterious wolf we have not seen yet. Other than the proof of its paw prints, we still had our ambition.

 Other than the proof of its paw prints, we still had our ambition

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