Chapter 3

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I was admiring the cap the mannequin is wearing, but then I decided to look at the other section, i turn around to walk on the other direction. Suddenly i bump into someone's chest and i fell on the ground. He was wearing a black cap with a black mask. He quickly held out his hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand and stood up immediately. "Ah mianhae i wasn't watching where i was going." "Ah-aniyo I was the one who wasn't watching where I was going so I'm the one that should be blamed."I said as I look at him. By the time I look straight into his eyes, I immediately knew who he was. Jun. One and only Jun. I stared at him for a little bit then turned away but he seem to realise. Shit.
"By any chance are you a carat?"he asked.

"I-i-um-m-i" I stuttered trying to find the right word but can't  seem to find anything. Ugh stupid brain 🧠 😑 so I just nodded. "Oh Jun-ah lets go I've-" he stopped talking as he saw me. My eyes widen. S.Coups. What the heck I can't believe that my bias wrecker is actually standing right in front of me! Holy shat imma die right away!⚰️ "So Jun I bet you've found a carat" S.Coups said while I turned my head to another direction to hide my blush. Oh my god staph it stupid cheeks I'm going to slice you off!  "Well since you're a carat are you coming to our fan sign tomorrow?" Jun asked. "Umm actually, I wanted to buy the ticket online but I couldn't since I was a bit late" I frowned. "Oh never minds here are two of them. I was checking them out earlier and I accidentally kept them in my pocket and you may invite a friend too. Also what's your name?" S.Coups asked while smiling. "Omo I nearly forgot to introduce myself. Annyeonghaseo, Lee Ae Rin immida." I introduce myself. "Wow what a pretty name" Jun said. Suddenly S.Coups's phone rang. He picked it up and said 'oh waegurae. I'm coming back already' he then hung up the phone. "Err, Ae Rin, Vernon called so we have to leave. See you tomorrow" he winked at me and walked away. I froze on the spot. He actually freaking just winked at me and Vernon called up?! Ok I'm really getting a heart attack! Warghhhhhh! "Yo why is your face so red? Are you sick?" Eunji suddenly showed up in front of me. "Aniyo, it's just probably quite warm in here ." "Seriously? Warm? We are in a mall which is probably the coldest place ever due to the air conditioner that is always on. Haish you sure are weird but it's okay because I'm weird too that make us best friend" she said as she put her arm around my shoulder and exit the shop"

9.00 p.m
I packed my clothes just now when her driver drove me home to fetch my stuff. We finished our dinner and had a little chat with her parents. They are really friendly unlike my parents. Then we went up to her room. The walls were painted with pastel blue which I find it really pretty. I sat on her bed flipping through the pages of the album my aunt bought me. Eunji joined me. We stayed up till midnight watching videos of them and of course fangirl since tomorrow we don't have school. Before going to sleep I told her "Yah Eunji-ah make sure to wake up early tommorow" " Wae?"she asked lazily. " You will know it tomorrow and if you don't do as I say you will regret it after that" "Geez you know I hate surprises" "But I'm sure you're going to like it" " okay whatever you say" I didn't want to tell her so that I will surprise her and she is going to thank me.

8.00 a.m
I woke up with an empty space next to me. I brushed my teeth and went outside. She prepare some eggs and bacon. It looked good and also smelled good. " Whoah you're up early. I wasn't expecting that" I said sarcastically. "Yea that's because of what you say last night. I didn't want to regret so I decided to listen to you. So what's the surprise?" She asked eagerly. "Well...I've got these and one is for you." Her eyes was so wide that it could eventually roll out from her eyelids. She ran towards me and hugged me tightly. "Where did you get them I thought you said it was all sold out?"she asked feeling confused. "It was all sold out but lucky me, someone gave it to me..😉"I said confidently. "Anyway what time is it?" she asked again. "10.00 I perhaps" I answered. "let's hurry up I don't want to be late" she said quickly stuffing food into her mouth. "Dude eat slowly you're going to choke on your food." "What?! no way, I want to meet my Junnnn." Well good thing that I saw him yesterday. She's going to be so shock hehehe but pity her poor heart but me too.

10.00 a.m
We reached there just in time. Now we are queuing up to get our turns.
After some moment, it was finally my turn. I saw S.Coups, he smiled at me. "so you actually came" " of course how could I waste the ticket and I've been dying to meet you guys ever since...err I don't even know when.Probably for a long time." He giggled then smiled showing his perfect gums. Awww...but no I can't I have to be loyal to him..staph it. We continue talking as I went one by one to each member.

When I reached Jun, he smiled widely. " I'm glad to meet you today" he said "me too" I replied. " so did you bring your friend?" He asked. "Yea I did and there she is next to me" "oh". We introduced ourselves and shared our interests. Next I went to the other member and saw Eunji was blushing mad. She looked really REALLY shy unlike the real her.

I finally got my turn to sit in front of Vernon. Woah he looked better in real life than through screens. Since he already looked good through screens, he would probably look a million times better. *Dies* " Hey there,what's your name"he said "umm it's Ae Rin-Lee Ae Rin." I said slightly blushing "what a pretty name. It also suits for a pretty girl like you" he winked. I swear that a soul had just came out from my body. That time my face was red a tomato. 'Damn it why! This is so embarrassing. Fine I've made my decision when the time comes I will slice you off stupid cheeks' He giggled and said "I'm so sorry that I've made you like that". "Ah-why are you apologising. It isn't your fault. It was me to turn out to be like that. Gwenchana" I replied. "So how old are you and what do you do for a living" he continued. "I'm 15 and I'm a student." "Owh so that make me  five years older than you" he said while signing on the album my aunts bought for me. Guess what he wrote some supporting messages on it as I moved to the next member.

1.00 p.m
The fan sign had ended but we are still inside the building looking for my phone. We had been looking for it for an hour and suddenly S.Coups saw us. "Oh you guys are still here? what are you doing? Aren't you going home?" "Well umm you see just now I was busy fangirling that I accidentally dropped my phone. I was about to pick it up but due to people walking around,they kicked it everywhere,and now I don't know where is it"I explained. "Oh really but lucky you I found a phone on the floor near the stage as I was coming down from it. It's black and,here is this yours?" he asked while handing the phone to me. I took it from him "owh my god yes it's mine. Thank you very much" I thanked him while hugging my phone which is the best thing I've ever had.He laughed when I did that "okay I have to go now and I hope to see you again" he waved. "Bye" Eunji and I said in unison. We then walked out from the building with a wide smile plastered on our face.

S.Coups's POV
As I was coming down the stage I saw this black phone lying on the ground. I didn't know whose was it so I kept it wanting to give it to the lost and found section later. At the end of the event I went to the toilet. At that time I was already getting out of the toilet ready to go back to the company when I saw Ae Rin and her friend searching all over the place for something. So I decided to approach them, "Oh you guys are still here?what are you doing here?aren't you going home?" I asked them."Well umm you see just now I was busy fangirling that I accidentally dropped my phone. I was about to pick it up but due to people walking around,they kicked it everywhere,and now I don't know where is it" she explained. "Oh really but lucky you I found a phone on the floor near the stage as I was coming down from it. It's black and,here is this yours" I hand her the phone. "owh my god yes it's mine. Thank you very much" she thanked me while hugging her phone like the thing she loves the most. I giggle at her cuteness. Without wasting time I said"okay I have to go now and I hope to see you again" because I really have to leave already. "Bye" the both of them said in unison.

I got into our van. Mingyu came and ask me "yah hyung, where were you? All of us were waiting for you" "Mingyu-ah mianhae, I saw our carat looking for something so I helped them" I answered. "Wow I wonder who's the lucky carat" he said as he leaned back drifting off to sleep. I hope I could meet them again.

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