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i am dedicating this chapter to Purnima17, cv5658 and vasundhaMandarkar for encourge me to write by leaving down comment...

The guy become emotional with sister talk and he say ok and he open the door...Nandini stand at the edge of the opening and feel the rain on her hand...

Later she lift her right leg out...At the same time Manik reach there and Manik thought a girl is trying to commit suicide so he quickly pull her in towards him...Due to the force Nandini fall directly on his chest and she was taking heavy breathing due to the shock of someone pull her in...Manik realized it and hug her tightly to calm her down...

Manik: are safe...

The moment Manik hug her tightly Nandini started to calm down...Once Manik felt Nandini is breathing normally he asked...

Manik: If you are scared of falling then why were you trying to commit suicide...Don't you know it's wrong...

Nandini comes back to senses hearing Manik's voice and she immediately break the hug...

Nandini: Who are you and why did you pull me in?

Manik: You were trying to commit suicide!!! That's why I pull you in...

Nandini: COMMIT SUICIDE!!! Listen I am doctor and I have changed mind set of so many people who try to commit suicide so why would I will commit suicide...

Manik: Really so miss doctor why were you standing at the edge of the train opening...

Nandini: I was feeling the rain and you have spoiled...

Manik: I can't believe this...Are you a mad?...feeling rain that too standing like that...listen anyone who see you standing like that would have thought you were trying to jump...

Nandini think for a while realized the truth in Manik's sentences so she said...

Nandini: Alright I agree I shouldn't have stand like that...but why did you hug me?

Manik: Listen I was not dying to hug you...It's just you were in shock so I was calming you down...

Nandini: wow so you will hug anyone just to calm them up is it...MR.STEALER!!!....

Manik didn't heard any other words except for MR.STEALER!!!

Manik: Mr. Stealer???

Nandini: Yes steal my first hug...

Manik laugh...Nandini get irritated...

Nandini: Why are you laughing?

Manik: Usually girls dying to hug me and here you are accusing me to steal your first hug...It's funny na...

Nandini: It's not funny...I always wanted my first hug to be with the person I love and you have spoiled it...

By saying this Nandini's eyes move to Manik's shirt...His shirt have Nandini's lipstick mark...

His shirt have Nandini's lipstick mark

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