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Surpised to see next update too soon...well i need to thank all those reader who spend some time to leave down wonderful comments that motivate me to write next update soon...

I am dedicating this chapter to all the reader who have leave down comment which include: cv5678, princess_love96, Srishtisharma9, AsthaVerma92, Nivarajendran93, deepasara and deepsm27...

Nandini: Nothing...I am okay...let's go for breakfast...

Manik: Yeah...

MaNan reach the Hotel's restaurant for breakfast...Nandini went to get her food from breakfast buffet while Manik went directly to the table where their other friends are eating as he need to message his personal assistant regarding work...Nandini comes with her plate and sit beside Manik...

Soha: Manik tell me what you want...I will bring it for you!!!

Soha asked while smirking at Nandini as she ask it before Nandini could even think.

Manik: Don't need I will share food with Nandini...

Nandini takes this opportunity to show Soha how romantic couple they are...

Nandini: Of course continue messaging and I will feed you...

By saying this Nandini takes a sausage and point it near Manik's mouth. Manik smiles and take a bite...Soha was seeing MaNan and was fuming in anger...

Manik takes second bite of sausage and then he started to cough as his concentration was on messaging his PA not on eating...Nandini give water to Manik and pull the phone from Manik...Manik immediately drink water and ask for his phone back...

Manik: Nandini my phone...

Nandini: Enough is enough...It's a bad habit to be on phone while eating...

Manik: But Nandini I need to message my PA

Nandini: You can message your PA later...Now you eat quietly...

By saying this Nandini continue feeding Manik...Manik smiles seeing how much Nandini care about him...

Manik: Why am I the only want eating...

Cabir: We are eating too bro...

Nandini: Yeah but Nandini is not eating...

By saying this Manik too start to feed Nandini...MaNan enjoying their breakfast by feeding each other...Soha can't take it so she went from there...

Mukti: Cabir are they really faking to be in relationship or they are really in relationship?

Mukti whisper to Cabir...

Cabir: Now even I have that doubt...

Mukti: We all are the real couples here but I think we should learn from Manik and Nandini...kitna romantic hai yeh donon...

Cabir: Fact...See even Soha is not here but they still continue feeding each other...itna love...

MaNan finish eating...Nandini give back Manik's phone and asked...

Nandini: Manik I am going to take drink...What drink you want...

Manik: Coffee...

Nandini: wow...looks like finally I met a coffee lover like me...

Manik: Wow so you start your with coffee too...

Nandini: Yes... I will back in a moment with the coffee...

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