Red kryptonite is back

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(Sexual assault attempt, don't read if triggering)
Lena POV
After Kara's Visit last time, Lena was a little flustered, and she now knew that her best friend had kissed her, but something was off with Kara, there was a look in her eyes, that I had a never seen before, there was lust, there was anger, there was sadness, Supergirl or Kara never showed those emotions

Oh my goodness she is effected by red kryptonite

I have to warn Alex

I pick up my phone and call her

"Hello Alex Danvers speaking"

"Alex it's Lena, Ka-Supergirl has been affected by red kryptonite" I say in a panicked voice

"How do you know that" Alex asks sceptical

"She kissed me" I sigh

"She what, do you know where she is"

"No she just flew away"

"Ok does she know where you live" Alex asks

"Yes" I say hesitantly

"Ok your going to lure her there"

"What how"

"Do what you want, your a genius Lena, figure it out, and Kara has the hots for you" Alex says

I hear her hanging up, well here does nothing

Kara POV

"Ah humans are so boring" I say aloud as I turn my TV off

My phones buzzes

I pick it up

"Can I return the favour"

"Oh" A smirk creeps on my face

I take off into the sky

Once I landed on Lena's balcony

The light were dimmed

"Lena" I purr as I walk into the apartment

"Kara I'm glad you came" I hear Lena say in seductive fashion

She walks in with a light night gown on

My eyes scan over her figure, she was perfect

"Well sexy" I tell her

I walk up to her and rub my hand around her back

It sends a shiver down her spine

"Well, shall we get something to eat" Lena offers

She sounds nervous, why is she nervous

"Ok" I sit down at her table and she places some potstickers on the table

"You know me too well, thank you sexy" I start to eat the food until it was finished

"Your so beautiful, anyone would be lucky to even look at you, I guess humanity isn't worthy of you, good thing I'm not human" I pick her up and my lips smash together, but Lena hesitated

"Kara are you a virgin" Lena asks

"Yes what does it matter" my smile turns into a frown

"Are you sure you want to do this, are you sure I'm the person who takes your virginity" Lena questions, she twirled her fingers through my blond hair

I bite my lower lip, why was she delaying this

"Lena your perfect, why would you hesitate, do I scare you" I smirk slightly

"No, why would I be scared, I'm the Biggest CEO in America, your a reporter"

"You forgot, Bulletproof" I play with her

I grab her butt, she slaps my hand away

"Well if we're doing this we're doing it right"

"Yes but you can't disrespect me"

"Oh no, I'm simply going to destroy you" I pick her up again and I throw her on her bed

I hear footsteps coming towards the apartment

"Lena what's going on" I ask her

"I'm sorry Kara" She tells me

She sticks a needle in my arm

I stagger back, my vision blurs

"Kryptonite" I say

I try to grab on a table, instead I smash some glass, causing pain in my hand

"You Bastard" I knew that would hurt her

I could vaguely see her walk out before everything goes black

Lena POV

I stabbed the needle into Kara's arm, she staggers back

She pulled the needle out and looked at it

"Kryptonite" She falls onto my glass table

I could see blood on her hand

"You Bastard" She says

Tears threaten to spill, she knew I was sensitive about that

I walk out and put a coat on

I open my door and Alex and some FBI agents walk in

"She is passed out in the bedroom" I tell them emotionless

The woman I love called me a Bastard, was about to rape me, but this wasn't her, that isn't Kara, that's a sick Demented kara, not the quirky reporter I know and love

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