Two Queens (part 2)

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And some more awesome ppl


A/N This starts with Kara attending the dinner and if there is any confusion feel free to ask me!!

Kara felt warm and awkward in her Stark armour. The iron breastplate that was decorated with two direwolves was heavy, and uncomfortable especially for a woman. Instead she opted for a light cream shirt, that loosely sat on her shoulders. She lost the bun as well, letting her blonde locks be loose.

She made no attempt as well to cover her scar that went over her brow down her cheek. Though it had faded she had been told to cover it, she never listened.

She was now left wearing a shirt with a Grey Stark tunic. A simple pair of grey trousers and a pair of boots.

There was a knock on her door, Kara went over and opened it. She was met by a man who was wearing unsullied gear.

"Her Grace is asking for you presence" He spoke, his accent was also foreign but perfectly clear to understand. He provided no emotion with the request which Kara knew wasn't a request

Kara smiled, an attempt to make the room a bit brighter. It didn't really work

"Right, we shouldn't keep her majesty waiting" Kara closed her door and followed the soldier, she was brought across large hallways to a room at the end.

The door was opened and Kara was let in. The door was immediately closed after her, she glanced around the room. In the middle sat a table ornate with carvings of dragons and fire.

She looked up to find the Dragon Queen leaning on her balcony. Kara cleared her throat to catch her attention, it came out more awkward than she intended

"Lady Snow" Lena turned around and walked over. She gestured to the small table and Kara took a seat after the Queen did.

"If we are going to continue with the titles might as well call me Kara" Kara smiled gently but she stopped when Lena didn't smile back

"Well then Kara, how does a woman gain as many ranks as yourself? Among men?" Lena started to eat the food provided

Kara blushed slightly, she ran her hand through her hair. Something she did every time she was nervous "I'm not the Queen of Meereen, or of the Andals"

"Yet somehow you were chosen to be queen of the North"

Kara bit into the chicken, slightly caught of guard by the spices. In the North is was mostly just stews

"Something my father instilled in me. A man should always stay true to their words. The truth is one of the few decent things that exist anymore, I live by that" Kara spoke from her heart. She missed her father, he was a good man. He got killed for his honour.

"You're no politician"

Kara laughed, Lena was slightly caught of guard by the Joy from the soldier "No that's my sister, to be honest most Starks aren't really politicians. We're stubborn and loyal"

Lena finally gave a natural smile, which made Kara smile

"Look I'm sorry about earlier but I cannot bend the knee. I serve a stubborn nation who has suffered at the hand of a southern ruler. I cannot bend the knee, especially to a southern ruler who hasn't proved themselves" Kara spoke as gently as she could. She braced herself for an angry rant, but instead she was met by genuine curiosity

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