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Requested by: Jayyisgayy


A/N catradora Au, imagine Lena with cat ears (I'm soft)

⚠️slight smug warning⚠️

Kara picked up the sword and ran behind a tree, taking a deep breath she raised her sword

"For the Honour of Rao" (her outfit looks the same as She-ra's no changes)

The blonde ran back to the fight, but before she could do anything she was tackled to the ground

Lena's claw scratched at Kara, her cat ears flattened with rage

The blonde pushed her off "Lena, I don't want to fight you"

"Sorry Supergirl, shouldn't have stolen Kara from me" The Force Captain Charged again, clawing at the Princess of power, her claws left a few gashes in Supergirl's cheek

Kara blocked the next attack's with her shield "Lena stop this, the Hoard is wrong, your hurting innocent people"

"you hurt me" Lena pulled out an electric stick and charged for a third time "And your going to pay for that"

(A/N Before I keep writing, I just want a moment to appreciate Lena with fluffy cat ears, ok moment appreciated thank you)

An arrow flew between the two, Brainy put himself between the girls.

"Stop fighting, it will come to no end.  Fight the real fight" He said

"Get out of my way Bow-boy, Or I'll kill you" Lena hissed, her ears fell back

"Brainy, go help Alex, I'll deal with Lena" Supergirl sent her friend away

Reluctantly Brainy returned to Alex's side

"This is between you and me Blondie"

Kara took a deep breath, setting her sword down she let her transformation drop, a gasp of shock came from Lena's lips

"This is fake, this is a trick, there is no way, my Kara would ever do something so stupid"

Kara bit her lip in shame "Lee... you have to what your doing is wrong"

Lena ran her hands through her hair, she let out an angry meow "I-no you your delusional, being a princess messed with your mind"

The princess of power grabbed her friends wrist "I'm sorry, if you don't see what your doing wrong I'll have to stop you, I don't want to do that"

Lena pulled away "You don't have a choice"

As soon as she finished, The Hoard Captain Charged again, Kara didn't have enough time to get her sword, so it became a hand to hand combat, each girl delivered painful blows, the fight continued for almost 15 minutes until Kara took a breath, bruises and cuts littered her body, rips in her clothes were stained with blood

Lena on the other hand, was covered in bruised but still held an excellent posture "Is that all your got princess"

"I can go all day" Kara raised her fists again, this time the blonde charged first, she caught the Force Captain off guard, gaining the upper hand she tripped Lena to the ground, she pinned her down

"Just stand down, this isn't a fight you can win" The princess pleaded

"I will never loose ever, one thing I have that you don't, I never loose" Lena fangs sunk into Kara pale arm

The Heroine cried out in pain but held her ground, her blue eyes looked at Lena "Your beautiful" she whispered

"Shut up" Lena hissed, her cheeks reddening slightly

Kara smirked lustfully "Make me"

"Stop doing that, it isn't fair" The Captain was panicking, an emotion she didn't feel often

The blonde, slowly leaned in, her hot breath touched Lena's neck sending a shiver down her spine, Kara gently nibbled down, Lena moaned as the princess found her weak spot.

Their lips met, with a moan Lena tongue slipped into Kara mouth. The heated movement continued until they had to take a breath

"Rao you taste amazing" Kara whispered

A slight purring noise came from Lena's throat, she blushed when the blonde noticed it.

"Did you just purr" The Heroine erupted into laughter

"No...I didn't....ok maybe a little"

"Well I love it" they leaned in again, but Alex disturbed them

"Kara stop snogging the enemy" The red head yelled as she threw a glitter beam at a hoard soldier

"But...I'm having a good time" the blonde pleaded

"How about we finish this later" Lena offered

"Deal" Kara picked up her sword and transformed

Alex smirked and elbowed her friend "So enemies with Benefits"

This caused Kara to blush "No, it's more than that, Well I hope it is"

After battle

Kara looked around, "Lena" her voice called out, when she didn't get a response worry filled her "Lena" she called one last time

A body came from the rubble "Princess, did you think I would die so easily" Lena purred clutching her arm which was bleeding out

The two ran to each other, their lips met "Don't you dare scare me like that" Supergirl fretted

"I should go" The forced captain said turning her gaze away

"What can I do to convince you to stay, I'll do anything"

Lena paused to think "I don't want to be in your shadow anymore"

Kara gently rubbed the back of her hand along the force captain's face

"You never were, but I promise I'll do anything do fix it"

They kissed once again

Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to leave requests


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