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Requested by: @ElizabethMurphyyyy





High school AU.

Kara closed her locker, and went over to her girlfriend Lena Luthor.

The Luthor was clutching her stomach, she groaned slightly

"Hey lee, You ok?" The blonde asked fixing her glasses

"Hello Love, I'm sorry it's just you know, I'm on my-"

Kara eyes widened, She wrapped Lena into a hug. "I'm going to take care of you"

"Love, were in school" The brunette, bit her lip so she wouldn't cry out

"Fine but as soon as class is over your coming to my place"

The sharp pain came back to her stomach "Your so lucky you aren't human, I will kill for this to stop" Lena said angrily, she clamped her hand over her mouth "I'm sorry it was a mood swing"

Kara smiled fondly, "it's fine, We have theatre now"

The couple kissed, Kara and Lena sat down in the theatre room, the blonde's bag hit the ground with a thump.

Sam, Alex, Mike and Winn arrived barely moments later, and a few other arrived

"Welcome everyone" Mr. Granger said, He rubbed his hands together and observed his class with his soft brown eyes "Today you guys are going to be auditioning for the musical"

Everyone sat in anticipation for the musical

"Heathers" The teacher announced earning a warm cheer from his students, Mr. Granger handed out the scripts.

Kara's eyes scanned it intently.

"Ok, I want to do a quick test, Lena you take JD, and I want Kara as Veronica, For now I want Dead girl walking reprise"

Lena took her place and the others followed suit

Kara cleared her throat and tied her blonde locks back, the piano started to play in the background "I wanted someone strong who could protect me" She shot a glance at Lena "I let her anger fester and infect me" holding the note for a little longer "Her solution is a lie, No one here deserves to die except for me and" she raised her voice slightly "The monster I created, Yeah, Yeah" Kara hit a slight high note on the 'yeah' "heads up JD I'm a dead girl walking"

The encore behind started to sing

"Yeah time for me, I'm a dead girl walking" a bell like sound went off "and there's your final bell, It's once more dance and then farewell to cheek to cheek in hell with a dead girl walking"

The teacher stopped them "Perfect, Now take it at JD and Veronica's confrontation"

Lena came onto stage, holding a water bottle

"Step away from the bomb"
Kara hissed

Lena let out a cold chuckle "This little thing, hardly call this a bomb, this is a just a trigger to the packs of thermals in the gym now those are bombs, People are going to see the ashes of westerberg high school that self destructed not because society doesn't care, Because that school was society" Lena raised her voice "The only place that Heather's and Martha's can get along is in heaven"

The blonde cleared her throat "I wish your mom had been a little stronger, I wish she stayed around a little longer" The piano hit a note, "I wish your dad was good, I wish grownups understood, I wish we'd met before they convinced you Life was war, I wished you'd come with me" Kara held out her hand

The Luthor snapped back "I wish I had more TNT"

The encore started again

The girls brawled like in the script, Their bodies hit the ground with a thud, the encore sped up

Finally Kara grasped the water bottle and as the scripted said she faked a shot at Lena's stomach

"Cut, That was perfect, The pair of you have the roles and go home, your done for the day"

The brunette let out a sigh of relief "I feel like I was shot in the stomach"

"Let's go shall we M'lady" Kara picked up her girlfriend, earning a squeal and a slap to the back.

Lena stuck her face in Kara body, mumbling a few cuss words

"I love you too" Kara muttered back

That's all folks, I'm hope enjoyed


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