Script (part 2)

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Melissa smiled as she walked back to set, Katie wasn't filming today, but she still came to set, and they shared an close moment

"Melissa" This episodes director beckoned the actress over

"Yeah what can I do for you" Melissa lifted up the fake glasses

"I need your permission to do something, The fans are loving Kara and Lena relationship, but you and Katie are both straight, I was hoping to take it to the next level"

Melissa held in her snort, "yeah of course, it is acting after all" The women couldn't tell anyone about there relationship, Both there agents said it would destroy there carriers, So they kept it a secret.

"Fantastic, Your needed in the Cat-co set"

The blonde walked away to the set, Mechad was already there

"Hey bud" He said "you ready?"

Mellisa fixed the glasses and cleared her throat, nodding quickly

"Ok and Action" The director yelled

"Hey James you wanted to see me" The blonde fell into character perfectly

Mechad leaned on the desk "Yeah, What's up with you and Lena, You Guys seem close" Acting he added a hint of jealousy

"What me And Lena, Pff...No never"

Mechad lifted up a set phone, it had a picture of Her and Katie kissing, which of course they posed for.

"T-That's fake, Kids now a days can do those things" The actress stuttered her words as Kara would

"I took that photo, Come on seriously, Its not fair, I broke up with her a month ago and your already Sucking her face" The actor raised his voice

Melissa scoffed "Excuse me, Now listen to me, You have no right to say those things, You Cheated on her"

He slammed his fist into the table "Say one word about that, And the world will find out who Supergirl, Get out"

As the script said, Melissa Opened her mouth to respond but nothing came, she stormed out of camera view

"And cut, Well done take five" The director and a few other crew members applauded lightly

Melissa smiled and walked away to her Trailer, Katie sat inside reading her book intently

"Hey" The blonde said

"Oh Mel, I'm sorry I didn't see you there" The Irish women said putting her book down.

"It's ok, I just finished my last scene, We can go home" Mel kissed Katie gently.

The couple packed up and made there way to Katie's car "You know I was thinking, Why don't we tell the world, I don't care what it does" The blonde said putting her stuff in the car

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's about time"

Mel held up her phone, The girls lips met, With a flash the photo was taken, The couple held hands as Melissa posted the picture, with a single red heart and a pride Flag as the caption.

"Well let the internet Burn" Katie laughed, Making The blonde smile

"Yeah let's go"

Small chap I hope you enjoyed

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