Chapters 3 and 4

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Of course, it's not always smooth sailing for people in their lives, especially when people are out to steal from them. That happened to Willy Wonka during one part of his career. He was so good in the industry that others had grown jealous of him. They were so jealous and desperate to get recipes as good as him, they even began hiring spies to go into the factory and steal his secret recipes.

Soon enough, Fickelgruber had made ice cream that never melted, even in the hottest of suns. Prodnose made chewing gum that never lost its flavor, you could chew on it for weeks and it would still taste the same way as it tasted when you had first chewed it in your mouth. Slugworth made candy balloons that could blow up into tremendous sizes. All were recipes of the famed Willy Wonka.

The robbery, thankfully, didn't escape the notice of Willy Wonka, the original creator of the recipes. Realizing that there were moles in his company, he fired all of them, closing the gates, swearing to never let other humans enter its walls again. He told the public that it was time for him to close the factory forever.

Now mostly when adults say 'forever', what they're really trying to say is 'for a long amount of time'. And that was the case for Willy Wonka. Years later, the gears cranked up and chocolate started rolling out of the factory faster than you could say 'chocolate'. The chocolate master was back in business with new workers that were not human.

After news of the golden tickets went out, Y/n waited patiently for the winners, checking the TV daily. Who am I kidding? The young girl, after hearing about the tickets, jumped up and down daily, anxiously waiting for the announcements of the winners.

A few days later, the waiting paid off. The news was covering a boy named Augustus Gloop, a fat boy with chocolate smeared on his face and hands, who had found the precious ticket that everyone was hunting for.

"I eating the Wonka bar and I taste something. That is not chocolate. Or coconut, or walnut, or peanut butter, or nougat, or butter brittle or caramel, or sprinkles. So I look and... I found the golden ticket." He said.

"Augustus, how do you celebrate?" A news reporter asked him.

"I eat more candy." He replied.

The young girl rolled her eyes at the Tv. Surely other people weren't like this. Or at least, there weren't many like this in the world.

"We knew that Augustus would find a golden ticket. He eats so many candy bars a day that it was impossible for him to not find one." His mother said.

The girl watched the boy profiting off of the golden ticket that he had found, clearly happy with his newfound fame. She turned off the TV after seeing the flashes of bright lights that came from the cameras.

She laid in her soft bed as a question crossed her mind.

Who are the other lucky ones going to be?

Falling for a wonka(Mike Teavee X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now