Chapter 5, 6 and 7

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A few days after the news of the finding of the first golden ticket, a girl named Veruca Salt had chanced upon the second aureate ticket.

"Veruca? Can you spell that out for us?" A reporter asked.

"V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt." She replied.

"As soon as little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets, I started buying up as many Wonka bars I could lay my hands on. Thousands of them. Hundreds of Thousands. I'm in the nut business, you see. So I say to my workers: Morning Ladies. From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead. Three days went by and we had no luck. It was terrible. My little Veruca got more and more upset each day. Well, gentlemen, I hate to see my little girl so unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. Then finally, I found her a ticket." Her dad said.

"That cheating brat!" She unintentionally yelled loudly as her voice echoed through the large space. "Even I'm not that spoiled... not that I'm complaining." She said, whispering the last part. "I'm perfectly happy if my life."

A few days went by again and they had found the 3rd golden ticket. Y/n turned the TV on, sitting down on her soft fluffy bed. The first thing she saw was a girl fighting men that were twice her own size. She didn't let that phase her and defeated them unhesitatingly.

Her name flashed on her screen. Violet Beauregarde.

"These are some of the 263 trophies and medals my Violet has won." Her mother said.

"I'm a gum chewer, mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things. I laid off the gum, switched to candy bars." She said.

"She's just a driven young woman. I don't know where she gets it." Her mother said.

Gee, I wonder where her drive comes from, Y/n thought sarcastically.

"I'm the junior champion gum chewer. This piece of gum I'm chewing right at this moment, I've been working on for 3 months solid. That's a record." She said.

"I just vomited in my mouth and swallowed it," Y/n said to herself, the bitter taste still in her mouth.

"Of course, I had my share of trophies. Mostly baton." Her mother said.

"I can honestly care less," Y/n whispered.

"Hold on, this just in, the 4th golden ticket has been found by a boy called Mike Teevee." The news reporter said.

"Aww... he's cute," Y/n said to herself.

Rapid gunfire sounded from his loud gaming set.

"All you had to do was track the manufacturing dates, offset by weather and the derivative of the Nikkei index. A retard could figure it out." Mike Teevee said.

"Most of the time, I don't know what he's talking about. You know, kids these days, what with all the technology." His father said.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" Mike said.

Y/n laughed so hard that her stomach was aching and there were tears in her eyes.

"Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long." His dad added.

"In the end, I only had to buy 1 candy bar." He said.

"Finally, someone that isn't eating chocolate every day!" Y/n cheered.

"And how did it taste?" One reporter asked.

"It was fine." He answered, shrugging his shoulders. "It could've been better though."

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