Chapter 14

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When they were in the air, Mike grabbed Y/n's soft hand out of fear from the sight offered from the inside of the glass elevator. They could see the other four children. Chocolate completely covered Augustus, Violet was back to shape, but she was all blue, Veruca and her father had different trash items on them and Charlie was tall and thin, like really tall and thin.

"Where do you live, Mike? My father and I would be pleased to send you back," Y/n said smiling.

"Over there," Mike said as he pointed to a house far away from where they were.

"Please don't break the roof, dad," Y/n said.

"Of course I won't. Why would I?" Willy asked as he did a sassy hair flip as the lift started its journey.

They landed perfectly on the snow that was piling up as the four stepped out of the lift.

"Come on in." Mike's dad said. "It's the least we can do since you dropped us off," Mike added.

They nodded before rushing in from the cold, wintery air.

"Hi, mom!" Mike said. "Why hello Mike! Back so soon? Well, who are they?" Mike's mother asked. "This is Willy Wonka and Y/n, his adopted daughter," Mike replied.

"We better get going." Y/n said as she grabbed Mike's hand, not wanting to let go of this moment.

When she turned around, he turned her around and gave her a kiss on the lip. Both of them were blushing as red as tomatoes.

"Don't forget us. I had a crush on you for a while now." Mike said.

"We won't." Y/n replied confidently.

They left through the front door as Y/n fought back the tears.

"You and Mike really get along well do you?" Willy asked.

"Yeah...." Y/n replied.

I hope I see Y/n soon, Mike thought.

Before Y/n and Willy left, Mike had realized that the two dads were smirking. He didn't know what they were smirking about. All he knew was that he was really going to miss that h/c-angled with the prettiest face he had ever seen.

Falling for a wonka(Mike Teavee X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now