Chapter 9 and 10

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A little before 10am, the h/c-haired girl stood at the balcony of her bedroom on the top floor of the factory. She was very high from the ground. If you fell off, you'd probably die. She looked down at the large group of people gathered at the factory's gates. Snow covered the ground. And more snow was still snowing down on them. How chilly. Y/n rushed down the stairs where her father said he would meet her.

"Daddy, I want to go in." Veruca said.

"It's 9:59 sweetheart."

"Make time go faster."

At 10am sharp, and not a second late, Willy Wonka gave them instructions from the speakers placed outside of the factory. The first was to come inside the factory. Slowly, he guided them to the front of a blackish-greyish wall. That wall pulled apart to reveal... a show performed by chocolate kids.

Y/n had to facepalm. Now the kids felt freaked out. Especially since they were watching this with no context. Y/n probably should have told him what kids these days enjoy. But there's no rewind button in life. She just had to live with it.

"Wasn't that just magnificent? I was worried it was getting a little dodgy in the middle part, but then that finale—WOW!" Willy Wonka said, appearing beside the audience, someone shorter than him holding his hand.

She's cute, Mike thought, her natural features hypnotizing him the moment he laid eyes on her.

"Who are you?" Veruca asked.

Willy Wonka walked up the stairs of the stage, bringing Y/n up with him.

"He's Willy Wonka." The girl said.

"Yes, and uh, she is Y/N." Willy Wonka said.

So that's the girl who everyone was trying to figure out the identity of, Mike thought. I never expected Willy to keep someone so beautiful in the chocolate factory.

"Good morning, star shine. The earth says hello." He then said.

Not knowing what to do next, he took out his flashcards to help him out with the sticky situation he was currently in.

"Dear guests, greetings, welcome to the factory. I shake you warmly by the hand. My name is Willy Wonka."

"Then shouldn't you be up there?" Veruca asked.

"Well, I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now could I, little girl?" He asked back.

"Let's get a move on." Y/N said.

While they made their way to chocolate paradise, Y/n accidently brushed up against Mike's arm. They could have sworn that sparks flew and there was electricity running through their skin, giving them a slight tingle as a shiver ran down their spines.

"Don't you want to know our names?" Augustus asked.

"Can't imagine why it would matter." Willy replied.

"Come quickly. Far too much to see." He added.

They walked into the factory. The first thing the guests noticed was that it felt like a freaking oven. Just as how cold the artic is, that's how hot the factory was.

"Just drop your coats anywhere." Willy Wonka said.

"Mr. Wonka sure is toasty in here." Mike's dad said.

"What?! Oh yeah, I have to keep it warm in here because my workers are used to the extremely hot climate." Willy Wonka said.

"They can't stand the cold." Y/n added nonchalantly.

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