Chapter 11

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"You have a crush on Mike, don't you Y/n?" Violet asked, being straightforward.

"You wish," Y/n replied.

"Quit hiding. You talk to him more than us."

"It means nothing, okay?" The h/c-haired girl said, angered.

A boat arrived and everyone got on. As Violet had predicted, Y/n stayed by Mike's side and sat beside him at the back of the boat.

"Mom... Do you know that Y/n and Mike like each other?" Violet asked the one who gave her the blond hair gene.

"Oh... really? How do you know?" She asked her daughter.

"He blushed when she sat next to him." She replied, smirking slightly. "And they like to stick together."

"Don't worry, Violet. They'll figure it out themselves." Her mother said, sighing extremely dramatically.

Y/n grabbed a pink ladle as she dipped it into the large and thick chocolate river. When the ladle was full and stopped dripping the melted chocolate, she passed it to Mike.

"Here. Try it." Y/n said as she held it for Mike to take, feeling sparks when he touched her fingers.

"Oh. Thanks!" He said, enjoying the chocolate.

"Y/n we're headed for a tunnel." Mike suddenly warned when he saw the passage that was filled with darkness.

"Oh! Turn on the light. Full speed!" she replied as the Oompa-Loompas obeyed her every command.

"Can they see where they are going?" Violet asked.

"No." Y/n replied bluntly.

I hope I survive, Mike thought to himself as the wind started picking up from their speed.

It was like a rollercoaster. It seemed like Y/n was enjoying it. Sensing his fear, Y/n grabbed Mike's hand before squeezing it gently like how you would with a baby. With that, Mike calmed down.

She leaned her head on Mike's shoulder as Mike laid his head on her head. Even with the slight darkness, he saw that the contact dusted her cheeks with a light pink blush. He smirked mentally, making a note to tease her about this later.

"What do you use Hair cream for?" Violet's mother asked.

"To lock in moisture." Willy Wonka replied.

"The whipped cream room's logic is silly, but it makes sense, it's not whipped cream unless we have whipped it with whips." Y/n said.

Willy noticed how his adoptive daughter was around Mike. They blushed around each other and noticed how their eyes lit up with the smallest skin contact, like their fingers slightly brushing. He didn't mind, of course. If she was happy, so was he. That's how all fathers feel about their happiness. Unless they care about themselves more than their own children.

They stopped the boat at the Inventing Room on Willy Wonka's command and let everyone out of the boat. And they entered the inventing room.

"Now, this is the most important room in the entire factory. Now everyone, enjoy yourself but just don't touch anything." Willy Wonka said.

Everyone rushed to the huge Gobstopper machine as they seemed like balls that young infants would play with in the water. Violet looked down before she smirked.

"I told you you two liked each other. See you two are holding hands."

Then they realized that they were still holding hands with each other.

"No, we don't." They said at the same time.

"They totally like each other, Violet. Isn't it obvious?" Veruca asked as she smirked with her arms crossed.

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