Chapter 15

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"Really?" Y/n exclaimed happily.

Her father had just told her it was Mike's birthday, and he was having a party at his house with friends and family. But she was happier about the fact that she could see him again.

"Get ready!" Willy chuckled as he left his daughter's room.

When she finished dressing, Y/n wore a f/c dress with Converse on her feet.

"You look amazing," Willy said as he experimented with his daughter's h/c locks, tying it up into a ponytail. "When you're at the party, tell Mike that we welcome him and his parents to live with us at the factory."

Y/n nodded happily as she made her way to the car to bring her to Mike's house.

At Mike's house, the birthday boy was dressed in a plain white T-shirt with a denim jacket and denim pants.

"How is the party son?" His mother asked. "It's great. I just... wished that Y/n was here." He replied. "Did someone say my name?" Y/n asked, appearing at the front door. "Y/n!" He said, running to her, giving her a kiss.

In that moment, everything was okay. After months of no contact and not even meeting in the streets, this moment was heaven for them.

"Mike's got a girlfriend!" One of Mike's friends said. "Happy birthday, Mike." Y/n said as she chuckled a little from the blush on her cheeks. "How did you know?" Mike asked. "Let's say our fathers have been keeping in touch." She replied.

"My father wants to know if you want to move into the chocolate factory." Y/n said in a low whisper. "Really?!" He asked, surprised. Y/n nodded as she held her breath, waiting for his answer.

"Yes. When do we move?" Mike replied and asked. "Tomorrow." Y/n replied as she stopped herself from squealing. "Then we'll be waiting. For now, let's party." Mike said.

"Mom dad, we are moving to the chocolate factory tomorrow," Mike said to his parents.

They nodded happily as they started packing up for themselves and their son, happy at the opportunity to get to live with their hopefully soon-to-be-daughter-in-law. After the packing finished, they continued to party.

At 6 pm, Y/n still didn't leave.

"What's the occasion? Why do you want us to move?" Mike asked.

The two had somehow found their way onto his bed as they cuddled against each other. Mike sat up while Y/n had her head in his lap, legs bending together.

"My father said there was a room for your parents and you will have your own room." Y/n explained as she cuddled closer.

They talked for another 2 hours before Y/n left to go home. The two fell asleep, knowing that tomorrow was going to be a good day for both of them.

Y/n arrived at their house the next morning with a white car.

"Y/n!" Mike cheered as he ran out the front door to hug her.

"It's only been 10 hours..." Y/n laughed, still enjoying his warm embrace.

"10 hours too long," Mike childishly said as they entered the car.

When they arrived, they carried their luggage to where their new rooms were.

Mike's parents' room had a black and white theme and looked very grand. There was a huge bed while the other areas were decked out with furniture of the same color as the theme. While Willy helped them unpack, Y/n led Mike to his room.

"My room's beside yours," Y/n said as she opened his door. It was mainly blue and grey with a bit of white.

They were unpacking when Mike got bored and tackled her onto his bed. She shrieked before laughing after realizing that Mike wanted to cuddle. She didn't mind. This boy was hers and she was his. She liked it this way.

And this is the story of how the youngest Wonka started dating.

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