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[ dedicated to mashtxn cause im in love with aisle five but oh who isn't ]

i touched one side of her cheek

and down to her chin

making her look up at me.

“you’re insane to think that.”


“i killed my mother.”

my dear jasey

blurted out.


i did not expect that.


“what do you mean?”

i asked.

i couldn’t believe it.

i knew that jasey was insane

that was quite clear

but to take a life of another

was too much to believe.

jasey was beautiful

and beautiful girls

don’t kill.

or do they?


“this is why

i was sent for therapy.

i can’t remember a thing

i can’t remember what happened.

it’s all so fuzzy but i remember

my father yelling at me

and locking me in my room

and calling the police.

if i did anything

i don’t know.

if i did anything

i don’t remember

and if i did anything

i know i didn’t mean to.”


“did you hate your mother, jasey?”

i asked her gently.

there’s no point in lying.

i was a bit afraid of jasey,

but i never told her that.


“i loved her

like every daughter

loves her mother.

no less and no more

 than i really should.”


so, did jasey really kill her mother? give me your thoughts??

insane. ➼irwinWhere stories live. Discover now