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the best feeling you could possibly feel

is waking up next to your love

in the morning

covered in sheets and warm sun rays.

where you can feel

the pain of the scratches on your back

and the ache in your veins

as your naked body brushes against hers.

"good morning, ashy."

she groaned playfully and immediately grabbed

my hand and brought it to her exposed chest.

"that makes me sound gay."

i replied and was greeted with her laugh.

a sound so refreshing

a sound that i'm positive

reflected the hymns sung by the angels

from great heaven above.

"i can't feel my legs-"

she complained and i smiled

"you're welcome."

"you know what i want now?"

i shook my head in confusion

"make love to me again and again"

she whispered

as she swung her legs around my waist

leaving sweet kisses down my neck.

now there's an invitation

not worth rejecting.

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