or her soul

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even though jasey rae

loved all the children in her orphanage

like her own siblings

there were times that i noticed

that this was too much

way too much for dear jasey.

she rang me occasionally whether to ask me

to purchase more pink wine

to bring her more smoke

to tell her more stories

to sing her more songs

or just to escape.

in all honesty

jasey taught me how to have fun.

she taught me that

sometimes a bit of rush is good.

jasey practiced danger like a religion

she got us arrested once

and nearly killed us thrice.

we went to the highest buildings in Sydney

broke into the most secure of theme parks

tricked the smartest of securities

swam through the coldest of lakes

and said the foulest of words to authorities

but they were

hands down

the best moments of my life.

she also taught me

that not all broken things are useless.

sometimes she would call herself useless

but i would always argue

that she can't possibly call herself that.

everyone has a reason for being alive

a reason you were born

a reason you were created by the Lord.

reasons for being alive

and reasons not to die

are two different things but

jasey didn't seem to understand this.

but more than that

jasey rae needed to know

once and for all

that after six complete months

of epinephrine rush

her beautiful voice singing songs

her kind heart

her very self; a complete vertigo

all these, i swear

she just had to know that

she made me care for her

she made me want her

she made me

need her.


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