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one day

jasey's father came to the institution

after two weeks of jasey's death.

he called for me and i came to see him.

he sat down across me

on a wooden chair

in a black secluded room

as jasey had described.

"i'm just here

to clear up any confusion.

mr. irwin

i want you to know

that it was not jasey that had killed her dear mother.

her beautiful mother killed herself

but i loved her mother way too much

and refuse to believe that

she herself was the one to blame.

if jasey were still alive

i would tell her how much i love her

my sweetheart jasey

how i wish i never kicked her out."

and then i punched him in the face.

how dare this insolent monster

call my dear jasey his sweetheart.

he did not care for her

he did not drink pink wine with her

he did not sip black coffee with her

he did not watch old movies till midnight with her

he did not listen to countless records with her

he did not hold her when she cried

he did not kiss her

and he did not make love to her.

he did not love her-

he does not miss her.

jasey's memories

belonged to me

and me only.


I will post the last chapter and epilogue tomorrow. Thanks for reading this far! Do you guys read my chapter names?

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