When They Met

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After Ryker refused to take Ann with him back to his island, Ann knew she could not survive on her own and gathered some last resources she could find. When she was looking for resources, she found an old fishing boat. Right away, she loaded up the boat with all the resources and other useful materials she found. 

The night went by quickly. She barely had time to rest, but waited for the sun to rise. As she was waiting, her eyes started to feel heavy. I want to close my eyes for a moment, but I just can't. Was what she was thinking. Eventually, her eyes fell shut and she slept for a few hours.

Suddenly, Ann woke up startled, the sun had risen and she had lost valuable time. She rushed to get everything on board and pushed the boat into the water. Ann jumped into the boat, having wet and cold feet as it was still Winter. I must reach other civilization. No matter how far I have to go. On my own, I will not survive. Hopefully, the people I will meet are nice to me... She thought.

After a long day of sailing, and the night fell, Ann's eyes started to feel heavy again. I can't sleep now, I'm alone. But I'm so tired... She thought as her eyes started to close. Suddenly, Ann woke up startled again. A huge storm was about to hit her boat and soon enough, she was caught into it. Ann was struggling to prevent her boat from capsizing when she spotted an island in the distance. I need to reach that island!

Ann did everything she could to turn the boat to the island. She struggled, but managed to get as close to the shores as possible. Finally, civilization! I'm save! Was what she thought when suddenly the lightning struck into the mast with still fifteen meters to go. ''NO!!" She yelled, and she felt the boat was about to capsize. One big wave caused the ship to lean over that far that it did capsize.

Ann was thrown overboard and almost drowned as she was struggling to keep her head above the water. When she came above the water, the other side of the boat fell towards her and dragged her down. Ann managed to get herself free, but she couldn't reach the surface. Later on, Ann got washed up to the shores, coughing out all the water from her lungs, but soon lost consciousness.

Meanwhile, the chief of the island got massage that an unknown fishing boat had been spotted. "Send out search parties, look where the boat has stranded, look for survivors and bring them to me!" He ordered. "I will come to look as well. You will come with me, big brother. Let's go.'' He said. They all searched the whole night, without any results.

As the morning came, the two brothers decided it was time to call in the day. "Let's go back and change shifts.'' "I agree.'' Was what the older brother answered. Both were soaked from the heavy rain. At that moment, when they were ready to head back, one crewmember called out for them. "Chief, I found the boat!"

The two brothers rushed to get to the boat. "Any survivors?" The chief asked. "None we could find, sir." The chief looked at the boat, where he saw a hand. "Then what is that?" The chief asked to the worker. "Uhh..." The worker said and was confused. "As I thought." The chief answered. The other workers spoke with each other why no one had seen that hand. Some said there was no way that this person could've survived within the shipwrecked boat. 

"Help me with this.'' Ordered the chief. Two men helped the chief to lift and move a heavy wooden part of the boat which was blocking the entrance to the person. "I'm going in to see if this person is still alive.'' The chief said.

He crawled in, finding Ann laying on her stomach, with her hands above her head and her face in the sand. He gave her a little nudge on the arm. Ann slowly regained her consciousness, groaned a bit and looked up as she opened her eyes. 

When she saw this strange man, she got scared, got up and went further back into the wreck. "It's okay, I won't hurt you.'' Was what the chief said to her. He asked her something. "What is your name and where are you from?'' Ann hesitated to answer. She looked at the man before she carefully asked him something before she would answer. "Do... Do you have some water?" "Yes, of course." Answered the chief as he signed some men to hand over a jug. "Here you go." He said when he handed it over to her. "Thanks." She said before she drank it empty. She was thirsty. She is beautiful and has a lot of potential. The chief thought.

"What's your name and where are you from?'' He asked again. Ann answered as soon she drank all the water. "My name is Ann, and it doesn't matter where I'm from. I can't go back..." "It does matter to me. I need to know so I can decide if you can stay or not. If I see that you can't stay, I will have to send you...'' The chief stopped mid-sentence when he saw Ann shivering. She was soaked and cold. "Come. You need to get into the warmth of the sun.'' The chief said in a gentle tone.

He backed out from the wreck with Ann close behind. When Ann got out, she heard a familiar voice. "YOU?!" Ann looked up and saw Ryker. "YOU??" Ann yelled at him with a big surprise. Both were instantly angry. "You have to send her away. She is the girl who begged me to take her with me!" Ryker said with anger in his voice. "Then I suspect she asked you with a reason." The chief looked back at Ann, who was still very cold. "Come, I'll take you someplace warm.'' The chief helped her up and took her with him.

He brought her to his tent, where he laid her down in his bed. "I will go outside, so you can take off your clothes." The chief said. What does he want me to do? Ann thought and looked weird at him. "Why?" She asked him. "So your clothes can dry. If you will keep wearing them, you won't get any warmer. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. Lay your clothes on this stool, I'll make sure they will be dry when you wake up." He answered.

He went outside the tent, giving Ann her privacy. Ann did what he asked her to do. She took off her wet clothes, laid them on the stool and went back into the bed with a blanket over her body. "I'm done!'' Ann called to the chief. 

He came inside, took the clothes and sat down beside Ann on the bed. "You're tired. I can see that. Whatever happened to you, it must have been horrible. Take your time, regain your strength and energy. Time will come to tell me what happened to you. Go to sleep now, I will stay here with you." He said softly.

He walked to his desk when Ann asked his attention again. "Wait!'' The chief turned towards her. "I told you my name, but you didn't tell me yours." The chief walked back to her and sat down next to her again, looking her in the eyes and giving a little smile. "My name is Viggo."

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