Chapter 3

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If only I could tell Him.

I wanted to, but it was hard for me to let my feelings out. But mostly, I wanted him to remember me, but he didn't. In his mind he's only known me as a monster.

Before, I was human. Working a boring job and made just enough to survive. My get away was to visit the dance studio. I liked practicing at night when there was barely anyone there. I could just stop thinking about things and just listen to music. That's when I first saw him. Dancing so gracefully and smoothly. I was completely in a trance every time he was there. Going to the studio was the highlight of my hard and long days. Often, he wasn't there, and I would be a little disappointed. But when he was there my life was momentarily a bit brighter. I did want to try talking to him but was always too shy. Every time I got close to him it was as though his aura would make me want to run away. He was so powerful in a sense. His body movements strong and confident. I always wondered if he had ever noticed me. Sometimes I hoped he would talk to me himself, but I had no such luck. Honestly, it was stupid of me to think he would speak to me, I should have tried doing it myself.

One night, on my way to the studio I was kidnapped.

That's when my life changed.

The vampires in the underground often take humans and turn them into their slaves. This kind of thing is talked about a lot in the city as vampires are fully integrated into our society. I never wanted to believe in this secret underground organization until they took me. They had tested me for many different things that I was unsure of. I was so terrified of what they would do to me.

Was I going to me a meal? A blood bag? Endless possibilities had gone through my mind.

In the end they decided I was fit to be a fighter. You see, they have many fight clubs and what I knew about them was that it was vamps fighting each other not humans.

That's when the process began. The Vampire that bought my body didn't hesitate to change me. The process was painful. After biting my neck, she mixed her own blood into my wound like some sort of ritual. That's the only way to change a human. For weeks, I was in extreme pain. The blood destroying my own. I was dying and being reborn at the same time. When I had turned, I was forced to fight. After a year I was on autopilot. Win the fight and they feed you. Win, and they don't beat you. Win, and they'll leave you alone for one more day.

I hate myself. I hate what I am. I hate that I need to feed. I hated even more that I could only feed on the innocent. Then, Chim was thrown into my room at my feet.

That night I had gone through a rough fight. I had almost lost and had severe wounds. I needed to feed to heal. To live.

But why did it have to be you?

Seeing him broken like that... Seeing him in chains, reminded me of a caged bird. It was wrong.

But I needed him.

I hate that drinking him caused him pain. I hated that I enjoyed it so much. He tasted so sweet. For the first time I would crave him when he wasn't there. I missed watching him dance but I missed his taste more.

I hate that about myself. I don't want to be this way. Every day he was getting thinner and weaker. He was withering away before my eyes. He was dying because of me.

It was risky to help him escape and boy did I take a beating for it.

It was worth it. A bird that can spread its wings and fly wherever it wants to go is the most beautiful moment in life.

I wish I could be free.


I continued staring out the window. The pink neon lights shining brightly onto my face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you..." his soft and melodic voice chimed behind me. Why is fate so cruel to have brought him to me the other night?

I almost killed him. I couldn't stop myself as I dug my teeth deeper into his arm. Even though he told me to stop, I couldn't.

That part of me... The animal inside, frightens me the most.

"I'm sorry too." I didn't look at him.

I could hear his pulse from where I was standing. He was nervous as his heart was beating rapidly. I turned around to leave but I practically bumped into him. He had gotten out of bed and snuck up behind me. He almost hesitantly wrapped his arms around my body. His pulse steady and strong now. It felt as though it was my own heart beating, something I haven't felt in years. The vibration mesmerizing. His warmth inviting.

I stood very still, tense from his action.

"Thank you. For saving me."

"I'm the one that got you into trouble. I didn't save you." My voice was involuntarily shaky.

Did he not know how dangerous it was to be this close to me?

"I mean for freeing me. I wanted to thank you back then, but I didn't have the chance to." He squeezed my body more firmly now. I completed the embrace by placing my arms around him delicately. I felt as though I could break him if I wasn't careful. His face was getting warmer as his cheek was pressing against my shoulder. His neck completely revealed to me. My mouth began to water.

All I could see was the veins in his neck. His sweet blood just inches away from me. I slowly moved my hand to the base of his skull.

I moved his head slightly. I now had perfect access.

His expression was in a daze now. I was charming him accidentally. An ability vampires have so that their meals are complacent. His cheeks were flushed, a deep pink that seemed to radiate off his skin.

I wanted him.

My lips hovered over the skin of his neck. His pulse intensely making my lips tingle.

Just bite.


Enjoy it.

My fangs were against his neck ready to pierce his soft skin.

His body tensed. He didn't want this.


I repeated this to myself. My mind racing.

I quickly pushed him away from me. The warmth of his body left mine. He luckily fell onto the bed. I didn't mean to push him that hard, but I didn't want to give in to my craving. I looked away, shame overwhelming me.

He was breathless and quiet.

I gained enough courage to look at him.

"You should keep your distance from me. It's hard enough to not give into temptation."

He rubbed at his neck. He'll forever see me as a monster. I should just leave. Never see him again.

"But now I know for sure that you don't want to hurt me... not intentionally anyways."

I was shocked. That was all just a test?

I was about to ask him why he would do such a dangerous thing when there was a knock at our hotel door.

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