Chapter 2: Storms

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I walked back into the lunch hall in no rush. Outside with the turning of the season, it became darker quicker. It made the shadows almost appear like claws, slowly scratching away at the light left. Tiredness started to effect me and tended to fog my thoughts. Though sleep was taboo at the moment. Oddly enough, despite the fact I was tired, after countless time wasted on attempting to fall asleep I had decided to stay up. So while the other scouts and guessed trainees went to their sleeping quarters or rooms I stayed at a small table.
I'm not sure how long I was sitting there but it accord to me that if I was going to stay here I may either pass out or simply get nothing done. The room was dark, only lighted by the faint young moonlight gratefully provided by a full moon. I could hear the faint rustle of the trees outside and the calming rhythm of the furious rain falling on the glass windows. There was a flash from outside followed by a delayed loud crackle, as if the sky itself was roaring for daylight to return. I heard footsteps and turned around quickly. It took a few moments for my eyes to register the lean shape but to my own pleasant surprise it was Armin. Another loud crackle exploded from the outside and left a brief flash of light in the clouds, in which for a quick moment you can see the unsettling color of the blonde teens eyes that I could only presume would be the exact color of the sea.
"Hello Mikasa" He greeted cheerfully, though clearing careful not to be too loud.
"Hi Armin" I answered. To my own surprise Armin was completely calm and didn't even flinch at the thunder and lightning which seemed to roll off my words, muffling me.
"What are you doing up this late?" Armin asked in a concerned manner as his eyes glinted and seemed to express every word he said. I shrugged a little.
"Couldn't sleep" I simply answered. Armin pulled out a chair beside mine and sat down.
"When are you going to sleep?" He asked the tone of concern increasing. I didn't answer. I changed the subject quickly instead.
"What was that all about earlier?" I then asked.
"Oh that! I drew a drawing of our group together" He was clearly aware that I was hiding something.
"Define our group"
" Eren, you, and me I mean"
I paused at the mention of Eren. It has been a sadly long amount of time sense he has found the time to come visit us. To my own slight annoyance Armin seemed to pick up the quick forlorn emotion I expressed. He stared at me sympathetically and by that I aloud myself to relax a little. I felt a light hand rest on my shoulder as I glanced again to my side and my eyes met with the crystal, ocean like eyes. For once I smiled weakly.
"You need to go to sleep now" he urged. Sleep finally started to tug on my eyes but fear is what drove me to stay awake this whole time.
"Stop being careless. We are aware from your recent clumsiness that somethings up" He continued. I shook my head. I could feel the hand on my shoulder weave behind my neck to pull me slightly closer. Finally, after a reluctant quiet sigh I admitted to what has been nothing me,
"I have been dreaming nightmares" I slowly revealed embarrassingly. Armin looked slightly taken aback but remained with a comforting face. I stared out the window.
"Like what?" Armin questioned, barely more than a whisper.
I breathed in slowly,
"More of my parents and their...deaths"
I was aware of Armin's frowned. To my own embarrassment Armin was holding me unusually close but it all felt somehow relieving to admit to what has been bothering me for weeks.

((All of these characters do not belong to me))

-ATTACK ON TITAN- Fanfiction, Eremika, Arumika ((IDK ))Where stories live. Discover now