Chapter 4: Morning Struggles

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I sat up on my bed, the morning light drifted into the room at an angle causing the shadows to darken. Last night neither me or Mikasa got a healthy amount of sleep. Me and her had stayed in the stables for a while and they talked about stuff. In the end, Mikasa had passed out against a wooden pillar and he had carried her to her room, luckily no one was awake to question.
  I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed. Shortly after a left into the main room where everyone normally would go.
  There was much laughter, something about Connie saying something stupid to Sasha, and she actually getting offended. Though, even with the distraction I found myself unaware that I was searching for the black haired girl. Which I quickly noticed was not present in the room. I felt a somewhat heavy arm rest on my shoulder and I glanced to my side. My good friend Jean was standing there smirking to my dismay.
   "Hay Armin, I saw you talking with Mikasa last night"
I froze a bit.
     "You're blushing"
I looked at the ground annoyed. Was I blushing? My face felt uncomfortably warm. Crap! Is that what it feels like when you blush? Must be. Jean moved his arm off his shoulder and whistled aloud.
     "WhooO, careful there Armin."
I stared at the ground flustered. Connie and Sasha walked over curiously, they both casted idiot glares at each other. Once they came over Jean whispered something to them that I couldn't catch. But both their eyes widened. From sheer surprise Connie put one arm across his chest and tripped backwards slightly.
"SHUT UP, THATS NOT WHAT I SAID" Jean practically hissed through his teeth. I took a awkward step back and forced myself to stay calm. My face felt hot. No, I can't like Mikasa that way. She is my best friend's more then less sister after all! Connie and Sasha exchanged a mischievous stare, seeming to completely forget their earlier conflict. Connie gestures to Sasha with a nod that another person was coming into the room. At the angle I couldn't see who. To my relief and distress, it was no other then Mikasa. She walked to the group we had formed. Her hair was a mess and her eyes looked glazed over slightly. Everyone looked taken aback from her state physically.
   "What's been happening over here?" Her voice was tired. She must have been effected from staying up so much. No one answered. Krista started coming over as well to the growing mass of people. I noticed Yimir watching Krista from one of the tables.
  "Mikasa you look terrible!" Krista seemed like the only person that had the guts to speak their mind.


  I felt oddly weaker. I tried my best not to show it though. I was aware of my knotted hair as I looked around at the group. Connie and Sasha's brownish eyes stared at me in shock, curiosity, and worry. Armin's eyes looked icy and they where filled with worry and slight fear. I continued to examine the reactions of the scouts and my friends. I heard Krista's feminine voice,
   "Mikasa you look terrible!" I only looked up at her. I shook my head reluctantly.
  "I'm fine" I responded. This time it wasn't Krista who spoke.
   "Mikasa stop it." I looked up and my eyes met with those which where familiar. Armin looked defensive. It was not common to see Armin this way.
  "You are tired. Eat. Go clean yourself up, then go and lay back down" Armin wasn't asking me. He was demanding me. I raised my head challengingly. Armin wasn't gonna take it though. Instead he placed a hand on my shoulder and led me to a chair. I sat down semi reluctantly. Armin glanced up at the group.
  "Don't let her leave"
Annoyance swelled inside me when the group nodded. Krista had left to grab a hairbrush and walked behind me. She started carefully brushing the knots and kinks out of my hair and I stayed still.
  After a few minutes Armin walked back with warm soup and bread. By then Krista had gotten me out of the clothes I was originally wearing, and instead was wearing a slightly small, black, long sleeve black shirt, and some jeans. Armin put the food in front of me on the table. He sat in the chair next to me. Suddenly the room was very silent. Both excitement and tension was in the air. I turned around in the chair and stared at the group of people, who where still there, just silent.
  "Everything ok?" I asked scanning over the small crowd of friends. They nodded, almost in unison. I turned back and stared down at my food. From the corner of my eye I could see Armin glance at them and roll his eyes slightly. I started eating. Armin finally lost his commanding tone and calmed.

-ATTACK ON TITAN- Fanfiction, Eremika, Arumika ((IDK ))Where stories live. Discover now