Chapter 6:

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:I will likely continue this fanfic for a while longer as for I tend to work on these parts when I'm bored, and sorry if the chapters don't connect that well!
Along with this chapter taking so long to come out:


My arm was blocking the raven haired girl from following his friend. She glared at him, briefly, but so many emotions where hidden in her eyes. It was surprising.
And terrifying
She sighed harshly.
"I know" She muttered. She moved away and sat back on the edge of the bed. Her gaze was like shards of black ice. Piercing anyone she chose with a death glare, I guessed that would be worth many knifes.
I walked forward standing in front of her.
She looked defensive. More then usual anyways.
In multiple ways.
I hesitantly moved closer and placed my hand on her forehead to check her temperature.
Mikasa was not that happy about it, but she rarely is about anything. She didn't move away despite that.
She was slightly more warm then normal.
Nothing to serious. But what would I know?
I quickly moved my hand away.
"You may be able to resume your routine later today"
Mikasa lit up a little. She nodded slightly.
She was still tired. Obviously. And shadows gathered at the bottom of her eyes.
"Take it easy will you?"
She paused, still not saying anything, then nodded again. I sat down on the bed beside her. She shifted awkwardly.
  "How much sleep have you been getting anyways this past while?"
Finally, this question got her to speak. But not before she froze.
  "Not much"
Her voice was soft. Still annoyed, but a tad bit more welcoming. If that was even possible for Mikasa.
  Her gaze darted across the room unexpectedly.
She spoke up with a clear strain to her voice, and her gaze settled on the wall of the room.
I looked up at her to let her see I was listening.
"Does Eren still need us at this point?"
I heard a ringing in my ear at the question. Did he?
"O-of Course!"
I was stuttering and I knew Mikasa could see right through it. She was just as aware that I myself didn't know the answer.
The raven haired girl laid back on the bed. I took that as a signal that the chat was over, and left.
Many questions filled my head as I walked through the door.
What I couldn't understand though, is why the heck I was blushing. And felt oddly content.
It felt guilty-
My best friends sister is likely sick, Eren won't be coming back for a few days, and I'm probably going to get some hate for missing a bit of training
What the heck?

*Few hour skip*

Air rushed through my hair as I ran. Terror stricken,

My eyes where blurry and I jumped up onto the ground off the bed. It felt weird to not be as aware.
I came back into focus quickly though. My feet stumbled when I walked to the door and opened it.
I felt better, luckily

I entered the room everyone happened to be gathered. It was easy enough to find with the loud conversations. I waved slightly at them. Once my presence was noticed, people's gaze shifted to me.
"You feeling better?"
Krista's voice pipped in. I nodded and walked over to the group, then scrutinized the crowd. Jean was glaring at Armin, he was blissfully unaware. Connie and Sasha where probably thinking food considering their faces, and Reiner seemed to be 'stealthily' stalking Krista, which I could only guess means Yimir was close by.
I frowned on the most noticeable hot-headed green eyed boy, missing.

:I need to find better plot lines ;-; :

-ATTACK ON TITAN- Fanfiction, Eremika, Arumika ((IDK ))Where stories live. Discover now