Chapter 8; Scabs

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I sat by my beloved friend's beside . Her normally sleek inky hair splayed out helplessly over her pillow.
It had been a shocker when she had rendered unconscious, now, a few more scars would have found their way to her body, ones that shouldn't have had happened.
She haven't been unconscious long, only about a day, with minor wakings later that gave us a breath of relief.
I sat down on a chair by her bedside, seeming a tad bit too familiar.
Working gently, I picked up her ragged scarf and folded it neatly, laying it by her once done. It had always intrigued me in a way on how Mikasa seemed to be connected to Eren a different way, one that I was not, sporting the scarf she had received for years despite its quality, as if it was the best gift that could be given.
I paused,
Perhaps we have a different connection, maybe not as strong, but apparent in its own way. She may not treasure an item, but she listened. Listened to both when I spoke of nonsense, and when it was needed. Not to say Eren or Jean's inappropriate interventions where not amusing in their own right.
My eyes lifted from my thought when I caught movement. Battered eyelashes flickered softly open showing life.
"Heya" I greeted quietly. She shifted and flinched from her bruises and scrapes. I watched painfully.

Waiting a few minutes she spoke softly, voice dry and cracked in some way,
"How long was I out this time?"
I shifted in my seat, worried though relieved in a way to hear her voice.
"Only a few hours,"
"How is everyone else?"
I blinked, thinking for a brief second.
"Just fine, their injurious are healing smoothly" I decided not to mention Connie's had become mildly infected, though now being treated.
I silence rolled over before Mikasa sighed quietly. Simply, I watched.
"You and Eren alright?"
I nodded a bit,
"You where the only one to get seriously injured"
I heard her make her little huff sound then shut her eyes for a second. I quieted.

((H a v e a s ho r t th in g I'm so r ry))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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