Chapter 7: Blood

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(Literally 1 cuss word)

The group ended up returning to their own conversations after a few moments of greeting.
The air around all of us was fairly cold. One of the main things warming the it was ourselves. Not that anyone minded, the light-hearted stares everyone gave each other made up for it.
A new person entered the room unexpectedly, with a few swift steps. In which the majority didn't notice.
"Gear up.  We have titans." The bitterly familiar cold voice formed. Everyones attention was directed back to Heicho.
"It's our day off!" Jean sighed harshly. The dark gaze feel over them. Realization weakly crossing his face at the small amount of scouts able to fight currently, including us and some others .
"Get your shit together brat. We are going as soon as possible"
Levi turned around and gestured with his hand.
"Which should be in a good minute"
We all raced away to get our 3DMG gear, still slightly off put at the sudden appearance. A much darker shadow seemed to pass over us, realizing that the we where all rushing into another fight. More lives are likely to be taken. The only sound in the room was the slight labored breathing and the rustle of metal, leather, and fabric. No words or whispers where passed.
Once finished, my eyes instinctually searched the room.  I got stuck on the uncommon golden colored hair, carried well by only a few other scouts.
Protect, my head seemingly screamed.
The commanding tone broke the silence and my thoughts once everyone was finished.
"Ackerman, Braun, and Hoover, you all will be at the front with me and Hanji. The rest of you will be in the rear guard"
I nodded curtly and jogged to my position. He seemed unaware of my condition, or he didn't care.
Is their safety to much to ask?-


Thoughts where broken at the blood churning screams and head throbbing painfully.
The huge humanoid creatures towered over our horses and a body crouched, casting them into a shadow. The ground was painted red along with vaporizing blood. My drawn swords sliced through effortlessly a heap of flesh despite this. My attention flew away from me, and scanned over the scouts fighting in the heat of battle. Air rushed around me and sent me falling to the ground as the structure that was solid a few breaths ago, was now disappearing.
It was a hard land,
I couldn't make myself stop though at any given moment. The thick, dark scarlet liquid pooled at my feet as I tried to find my feet. Corners of vision blurry. A red mark streaked vibrantly down the side of my white shirt, though a fire like sensation ripped through the gash on my side.
It felt like a torch being held against my skin, in reaction I cupped my hands against the bleeding wound to attempt lessening the sudden blood loss.
I turned my head to see the wide blue eyes staring shocked.
A black void rugged at the edges of my vision worrisomely.


I tried to frantically recall the moments leading to this, the forceful push, some fast movements, and now, the blood stained warrior standing wearily before me.
She has suffered horrendous injuries.
Blood oozed from scratched over her body and blood was soaked throughly at her side, even though the incidence has only accord seconds prior. I felt frozen. Rocks where scattered around her. Every bit of me wanted to scream bloody murder, luckily, swallowing it down did end up being possible.
After moments I came in back into realization that Mikasa was staring straight at me. Her normally clear grey eyes, glazed over, somewhat similar to the day before. But still had a fiery purpose. Sounds of battle where drowned out.
Finally, I moved from my frozen spot towards her. Blood was still trickling to the ground, to all our dismay.
Of course it is
She looked like she was about to fall unconscious. Her normally ivory pale skin was the same color as snow; pure white.
As if it had been planned, she fell to her knees. Her hands somehow caught her weight, but I didn't trust the support she had granted herself, so rushing to her was the first reaction. I picked up her upper body then laid it somewhat over my shoulder, so her head rested on it. A surprising heavy block of muscle was the best way to explain, though there was something soft about her. 
I shifted my gaze through the open field, holding the now likely unconscious girl, close. Trying to find someone who can help.
Hold it out we'll be fine
I kept echoing the words of reassurance, shirt now starting to turn red where she laid.

It was a mystery we haven't died, thank the gods. The last Titan was killed in the group and I dragged Mikasa to reunite with the group. Relief washed over when I saw my friends, with at worst, a moderate cut. They all looked skeptical and oddly amazed at the sight of the girl.
Hanji quickly came over. And took over the care, giving commands and so on.
With the tension lowering slightly, it came to mind how stupid it was sending a scout, even if talented, into a fight while still recovering.

I still pondered on how Mikasa knew about the close call with the titan. She just swung in out of what it seems nowhere.
Along with that, our day off was wasted.
I'll worry about that later.

-ATTACK ON TITAN- Fanfiction, Eremika, Arumika ((IDK ))Where stories live. Discover now