Chapter 3: Rain

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I stared at my brunette friend. To almost anyone else, they would think Mikasa was barely if at all fazed by the conversation. In reality despite her calm appearance she was likely holding a lot inside. She almost never talked about her life before she lived with the Jaegers, and she was painfully talented to hiding her emotions.
A slight shift from beside me pulled me back to reality. The sound of rain muted most of the sounds.
   "What are you doing up anyways?" Mikasa's voice startled me at the closeness. Though, her words didn't change from her collective tone. Shocked, I moved away quickly somewhat embarrassed. I felt my face warm up even though the room itself was cold. I shrugged
   "Just woke up with the weather" I answered back truthfully. Mikasa huffed quietly, it was impossible to determine if it was from annoyance or amusement. A thunderclap tore the rhythm away from the rain for a fleeting second . Mikasa opened her mouth slightly, I could only guess it was a small yawn. I stood up from my seat, becoming more uncomfortable by the minute. In the darkness, Mikasa's eyes appeared a dark, calm, space like grey. They stared questioningly. I brushed the hair out of my face the stared back out the windows.
"I'm going to go check on the horses" I announced. Mikasa only for a small moment, seemed a tiny bit shocked.
"But it's raining hard, and didn't Jean already do that not too long ago?"
I didn't answer and instead started walking away. I heard the scoot of a chair and light footsteps following behind.
  "Why are you following me?"
   "I have nothing better to do."
   "Can you stop following me?"
I could tell she hesitated but then shook her head. I felt a bit of annoyance for a few moments, the emotion vanished though as quickly as it came.  Mikasa stayed quiet as she followed. The silence folded around us. I felt warm, but it wasn't from the temperature of the hallway. But something else I couldn't understand. Mikasa has sped up her pace slightly so she was more then less walking beside me. Her face revealed nothing to what she was thinking, something many people respected and feared. Inexplicably enough, Mikasa seemed calm. It made it almost impossible to think of her killing or hurting anything, but from the sheer facts it forced those black and white thoughts away.


What am I doing anyway? Armin was keeping a steady pace. At first he seemed sort of agitated, he calmed down quickly despite that. The moon was shining full force outside but was hidden underneath the clouds. I should be trying to go back to sleep, it's a early start tomorrow....First I want to see what Armin is doing.
As said, the blue eyed boy took a turn and ended up in the stables. A few of the horses where startled at our unexpected appearance and kicked the ground in aghast.
"Shh it's okay" I attempted to comfort the horses and held my hands up in a comforting reassurance. Armin was watching curiously which I was aware. I petted the one of horse's muzzle which was still wary and it calmed. I pulled myself up on one of the sturdy horse gates, and looked down at Armin.
"Why did you come here?" I asked quietly. He turned away to a horse and started petting its shoulder.
"The horses are nice company"
I watched him, the horse was completely relaxed around him which showed enough evidence he had spend his extra time around them. The horse's muscular, lean black hide rippled with unease though when another thunderclap sounded. Armin moved away from the horse and grabbed a saddle and bridle. I jumped off the spot I was sitting.
"What are you doing?"
"Just going to go on a short ride."
"It's pitch black, the weather is terrible and Levi would kill you if he found out, Why."
Armin paused and put the supplies back, there was frustration in his moves.
"The horse would get scared" I finished. Armin just slowly nodded and there was a long silence. Armin sighed.

-ATTACK ON TITAN- Fanfiction, Eremika, Arumika ((IDK ))Where stories live. Discover now