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After lunch Katsuro took us all back to school, as soon as the car stopped at the first stop light katsuro began talking about the cute little waiter named jun

Katsuro-"Im telling you, i would have gotten his email if you guys stopped cockblocking!"

Itchio-"WHAAAT! mean to tell me your-?

Katsuro-"No im not gay!, I just thought he was cute for a boy.he's attractive and i like attractive things. it that so wrong?." Itchio took a long tired breath and wiped his forehead of sweat,everyone started laughing again even me.

Hoshihiko-"Whats your last class before your game Itchio?"

Itchio-"Science with Mrs.Shou,why?

Hoshihiko-"Oh....Before the game starts meet me in the original spot we meet at."

Itchio-"Sure." itchio took out his phone and put his headphones in,and began looking for music to listen to.Hoshihiko put his arm around me and Katsuro looked at me threw the rear-view mirror and smiled.

Katsuro-"Are you staying for our game?"

Hoshihiko-"Yes.....I mean you are staying right?"

Me-"Uhh Sure why not"

Katsuro-"Finally,You speak after all!"

Hoshihiko-"She's Just shy." 15 minutes later were trying to find a parking space in the parking lot and then walking inside. Itchio pulls me to the side while everyone else is signing in and walking to there classes before the bell rings.

Itchio-"Where's your next class?" I pull out my schedule and look at it.

1st Homeroom/ History

2nd is Mathmatics

3rd is Science

Lunch Break

4th P.E last period

for the remainder of the day I have to choose a club to join and help clean the school.

Itchio"Okay you have P.E now, I'll walk you to the lockerooms is that ok?"

Me-"Wont you be late for class?"

Itchio-"Yes because my class is science in Building B. But its okay because they dont mind thanks to the hard work I give on the basketball team." he smiled, placed his arms around my shoulders and started walking. "Soo how do you feel about our school?" thats a strange question i dont know how to properly answer it.

Me-"Well....Its....Big." i looked up at Itchio and he laughed.

Itchio-"Yes, i know that....I want to know how you feel about your classes, Are they fun,Do you like your seat placement?,Are your old friends from middle school here?,Do you like your teachers,Do you have a crush?." when he mentioned teachers I thought about Mr.Etsuya "Well?"

Me-"Oh sorry, well i dont know if i think there fun yet...maybe i'll know in two days or so.i like my seat placement because i get to sit next to my best friend Riono from middle school, that answers your other question on if any of my other friends are here.Do i like my teachers.......well Yea there ok. And no i dont have a crush yet, but i do like someone."

Itchio-"Ohhh i see.when you said friends you only mentioned one of your friends he like your only friend?" I stopped walking " Im sorry, i didnt mean to offend you or anything."

Me-"No its....ok, its just complicated."

Itchio-"Yea i dont have to tell me if its personal...or makes you sad"

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