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I walked into the gymnasium and everyone is already there talking to their friends, i look threw the groups of students for Kev but i couldn't find him.'Must be further back...Oh well.' I lean against the wall and twiddle my thumbs.

Rio-"ling!....I mean Bradley!" I look up to see Riono jogging up to me. He looks excited about something, I wonder what?. He reaches me and grabs my shoulder "Bradley, ive got something interesting to tell you.!" He turns me to the left wall. "He's Gay!" Rio points to a boy standing against the wall with curly pastel purple ear length hair,he had to be at least 6;3 with a muscular frame. I couldn't see detail for detail with us being so far away but he looked hot.

"The word around is that he's banging the nurse!" My neck snapped back to look at rio. I guess he took that as I was interested in this nonsense gossip of his. "Its so early in the year and already people are indulging in sexual activities, not only that but with the Adults." I kind of felt bad for him....i mean that could be me. And what makes it worse is that my friend probably would be doing the same thing if the tables were turned,now that really hurts my feelings. " Ling can you believe this!?....i wonder what his family will think of him...shameful." Rio shook his head and looked down. " you know what...i probably wouldn't think of it this way if he was forced,but the truth is he was the one who negotiated the sinful relation-"

Me-"Enough! This is.....lower than stupidity.Im disappointed in you Riono,Now i know your one to worry of others and not yourself but this is just not like walk about talking bad on people just because you think its wrong!. Its not that I'm gay....because I'm not. Its just that i don't believe that delving into other peoples personal lives is really necessary. When did you get so Into Gossip!?, because the friend i made in Middle School didn't like gossip or anyone who decided that they could judge someone!. When you take this Rio away and bring me back the old friend i know and love....than damn it we can talk but until than i have nothing to say to you." I stomped my foot down just to get the point across. Rio's eyes opened wide and his mouth hung open...i thought he was going to turn and leave,instead he started laughing. I crossed my arms and turned to face the pastel purple haired boy."Oh so you think its funny?" Rio grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him.

Rio-" Im sorry Ling but it was just to started shouting and shaking. Like a little dog that was scared but mad. Im sorry forgive me?"

Me-"Alright....Ill forgive you...." Rio hugged me tightly."BUT! On one condition"

Rio-"Anything!....what ever you want Bradley."

Me-"I dont want you making fun of him." I pointed to the pastel boy "matter fact you have to say good morning,and good after noon to him everyday.always be nice to him."

Rio-"Damn damn damn.....You really want me to?." I nodded my head and smiled. "alright Ill do all of that,but only because i love you." Rio looked me in the eyes and i could tell that he was telling the truth and that he would try with every fiber of his being. Mr.Etsuya walks in and stood in front of the gym doors.

Mr.Etsuya-"I see your all here. Today we will be playing infected You will need a team of 3. I will give you 30 seconds to find your partners begin." People were scattering and searching for there friends.

Rio-"All we need is 1 more, ill go get one of my other friends ok?" I nodded my head and rio ran off. My attention fell back to the pastel haired boy. I watched him slide down the wall and sit with his arms crossed and his head in hip lap. I feel bad for him, no one asked him to partner up. 'You know what, thats just wrong....Im going to ask him to be my partner!' I walked over to him and when i got closer i looked a the tattoo he had around his right elbow it was of a sun. With fire rays shining from it. He looked up at me and then down at his elbow,e covered it.

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