Chapter 1: rays of light

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Notes: welcome to this hell hole of a fanfic its my first time writing one of these so go easy on me. Also let me know if i have any errors in my writing I'd like to be correct as possible for your enjoyment. The italics are used for when someone is thinking to themselves.
Warning: strong language is used in this fanfic. So you have been warned.
Note: Also i will be using their names and hero names off and on for all the characters. Also maybe possible spoilers just letting you guys know. Also yes All Might is young and has already started his career as a hero, he is not going to fight A.F.O untill later chapters.
Ok enough of me rambling lets get to the story. ^-^

Toshinori was running late and he new it. The fact that it was also raining hard doesn't help either. He has his super speed but, that would just blow his cover out in public when he didn't want to be noticed by anyone. As long as he was in his normal form anyway. . . . It is hard for people to tell that Toshinori is All Might. Very few people see a resemblence between his normal form and hero form and if they asked, he would just dismiss it telling them some sort of lie that he just happens to have almost the same features as his hero form like it was some other person. Toshi kept on running with his umbrella and book bag through the busy crowded wet streets. The sound of peoples wet foot steps on the wet sidewalk can be heard while people chatter about their mornings or if your like Toshinori, late and rushing somewhere you need to be.

"Holy crap! He's totally going to kill me if i don't get my ass over there soon."

Toshi thought to himself as he kept running through the crowds of people and harsh windy rain. The tall buildings around him seemed to be mocking him silently that he couldn't just power up and take off.

"Stupid buildings stop mocking me with your foul stares of silence...".

Now regretting getting the Taiyaki for Grand Torino at the usual food cart he gets them at. It had tooken most of his time and making him suffer in the cold rainy weather while running.

"Damn old man and his sweet tooth. Why did he make me get it if he's gonna make a fuss about me being late to his house. It's his fault for letting me know way too late".

Toshi groans out of irritation of just the thought of Grand Torino nagging. His thoughts are suddenly pulled away by seeing a famaliar face across the street walking without an umbrella while looking miserable. The face that he had always seen passing by smiling was now a miserable frowning one. He never got the chance to talk to this mysterious person on the otherside of the street. He always wanted to know who this green haired beauty was on his way to U.A each day when he still went there. All he knew was that she was the same age as him at the time when he walked down the street going to school since she was wearing a highschool uniform too. Now she's wearing a pink sweater, soft gray shirt, black jeans and yellow rain boots with her hair styled in a half bun and the rest of her hair down with two strands of hair on the sides of her face along with bangs that slightly covered her forehead. He couldn't bare to see her soaking wet and sad. He didn't know why it hurt him to see someone he doesn't really know like that. He is a hero after all and knows when someone is hurting inside or is in need to be comforted. The sensation he's feeling in chest right now though is different from when he's saving someone, but..., what is this feeling exactly? And before he knows it, he's walking toward her already with his heart beating at a 100 miles per because he's nervous and doesn't know why.

Now panicing in his own mind at what he's doing he notices that she sees him coming towards her.

"What the hell am i doing!?!!??! I can't stop my legs!! Dammit! My heart is pumping so fast why!? Holy crap she see's me coming!! What do i say!? What do i do!? I'm not good at talking to girls!! The old man is really gonna kill me now!!!"

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