chapter 30: a fun evening

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Note: hello everyone i am back from the dead muahaha. Anyway welcome back to fun times. I have been gone due to animation homework and classes. Anyway enjoy the story^-^.

Inko pushed and shoved her way through the huge crowds of people while holding on to Toshi's hand tightly for fear of losing him in the crowd. Toshi kept following Inko and tried his best to keep up with her since people really didn't know how to clear the way a little so they could get through. However Toshi knew all to well that city crowds are just really stubborn to get through.

Inko kept leading the way through the masses of people on the side walk. Toshi was met with the situation again where he wished he could just use his quirk to get through the city. His quirk was still out of juice from earlier fighting that sludge villain protecting his son and that angry spikey boy. Inko tugged Toshi into a restaurant quickly. Toshi almost tripped over his own feet and rebalanced himself so he didn't fall.

He looked around the restaurant and noticed it looked brand new. The waitress lead Inko and Toshi to a table near by a window. The restaurant wasn't that busy but, he could tell that the restaurant looked oddly familiar. Maybe he had been there before? he had thought to himself. His eyes just kept wandering around the restaurant trying to see if he could recognize anything to trigger some of his memories to come to him.

Inko noticed this and reached across the table to put her hand on his shoulder.

"Dear its ok. Memories will come to you naturally. Just relax, ok?" Inko said in a soft supportive tone.

Toshi turned and looked at Inko giving her a small nod.

"Ok.. " Toshi answered back understandingly.

"We used to come her a lot. It was our favorite family runned restaurant. They remodeled a couple times already... like right now. Everything is new in here" Inko explained.

Toshi smiled slightly and just admired the new interior of the restaurant. He was just happy that he is with Inko and not in the terrible crowd outside.

The waitress came back with some cold water and menu's for them and set them down on to the table while telling them the house specials and recommendations on what they could order. She leaves them to let them decide, going back .

Toshi and Inko both look at each other from behind their menus as if they're playing a game of hide and seek with them. They both giggle when ever they both take a peek at each other before going back to looking at their menus to see what they wanted to eat.

Inko finally decided on what she wanted to eat. Toshi was still focused on his menu debating on two items on the menu he wanted but, couldn't choose between. Inko thought that this was a perfect opportunity to make him jump. Oh how she was right about this opportunity that she couldn't bare to pass up. She grabbed his thigh shouting "BOO!" at him and of course Toshi jumped and dropped his menu as she expected him to. Inko laughed and smiled at Toshi.

Toshi gave Inko a playful glare and rolled his eyes. He is glad that Inko is enjoying herself. It has been years since they've seen each other and played around like that after all.

The waitress came back to take their order after they flagged her down to their table. The waitress gladly took their order and walked to the kitchen so their meal can be prepared.

"So Toshi how does it feel to be back home?" Inko asked a bit shyly.

"It feels strange but... it also feels good to know this place all over again. Especially meeting you again" Toshi looked at his hands that he had to together fiddling his thumbs slightlt nervous admitting that.

Inko blushed and had a huge smile on her face almost as if she was about to cry from joy again. Toshi always made her feel important and loved. From the very beginning they met, Toshi was always so caring and encouraging her. Unlike her first love that wasn't really love.

"I like meeting you all over again too... it feels like i just met you. Kind of like when we were young" Inko said softly.

Toshi couldn't help but, smile dopey which warmed Inkos heart even further. It really didn't feel like time had passed for the two of them. They both just click together way to strongly and thats ok with them.

The two of them enjoyed their dinner date and talked about many things that had happened over the years. However the one subject that had kept coming up in their conversation was Izuku. Toshi wanted know more about his son. He wanted to be apart of his life again. Inko knows its gonna be tough explaining to Izuku why Toshi wasn't there and why they never told him about Toshi's secret identity sooner.

After they paid the bill for the food. They both started walking home together hold each others hand thinking of what to say Izuku. Or how they were gonna explain to him that this isn't a dream.


Note: hope you guys enjoyed the story ^-^. Sorry for not updating sooner. Kinda needed to catch up on projects
Anyway until next chapter stay tuned!^-^

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