chapter 3: "a mutual friendship"

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Note: welcome back to All Might being in the friend zone and Inko trying to keep it that way but, can't.
This will be a longer chapter so enjoy to your hearts content.


While Inko sits on the couch Toshinori is in the guest room fixing it up for her since no one really lives with him or visits him other than Gran Torino. Being the big number one could get quiet lonely even though he just got out of highschool a few years ago. Of course he never really put much thought into dating while he was in school since he needed to focus on becoming the symbol of peace. Even now he still isn't considering dating. He knows better than to date anyone since villains will go after them and use them to get to him. He'd rather not put them the at risk of villians or overly jealous fans. He swears overly jealous fans are creepier and scarier than some villains ever will be. Toshi puts new sheets and pillows on the bed.

"I hope she likes red and blue cause they're all i got really" he says to himself. He picks up the old sheets and all the other nick nacks that don't belong in someones new room. He walks out the room with the stuff and sets it in his bedroom to wash or place the other objects somewhere else. He walks back to Inko thats in the living room still.

"Ok Midoriya the room is ready for ya!" he gives a big smile and a thumbs up.

Inko startled by his loud voice and looks at Toshi with a soft smile that seemed to compete with his own smile really caught him off guard.

"Oh, thank you Yagi ... and thanks for letting me stay with you" she says with a very appreciative soft kind tone.

Her voice was so soft and warming to his ears that it suprised him. How had he not noticed that her voice was that soft all day compared to his loud obnoxious voice. He could only think that he was daydreaming and Gran Torino could come any moment to kick him in the face while training. The kick never came though so he shook that thought off.

"You're welcome and really its ok, you don't need to keep thanking me. Anyway i hope you don't mind the red and blue themed bed set its all i got for a bed set to that room" he says nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Inko could only smile at him. Seriously this man was truly to kind to her or to kind as person to exsist in this cruel world . As she thought to herself to give a response back.

"Thats just fine. Don't worry about. I just got here after all so its no biggie" she smiles sweetly.

"Ok thank god... i was worried you wouldn't like it"
Toshi says in a worried tone.

Inko laughs at him for being worried about bed sheets. Toshi was confused to why she was laughing at him.

"You're ridiculous!" She says having a laughing fit.

"Why am i ridiculous? What did i say that was so funny?" he was seriously confused but, he also wanted to laugh with her.

"Damn that laugh is contagious"

"Because you're worried over something as simple as bed sheets. This is your house you know. So of course there would only be things here that are yours so what other choice is there" she says inbetween laughs.

"Shes got a point. Plus i did tell her she could live with me. Knowing damn well that i don't have the rest of the necessities for two people to actually live here."

"Good point" he chuckles slightly.

Inkos laughter quiets down into only a chuckle.

"Alrighty then, i guess I'll go turn in for the night its pretty late. Plus we waisted the day shopping for clothes for me"

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