chapter 12: A Gift

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Note: whats up guys and welcome back to the sad smiling boy. Enjoy the story. ^-^

Izuku was excited going to the doctor to see if he'd develope a quirk. However Inko was a little worried that Izuku might not be happy with the percentage or the result of him to get a quirk.

Izuku had gotten his test results back from the doctor saying he was quirkless. Inko new he had 50 percent chance of being quirkless considering, his own father was born quirkless. However she had at least some hope that Izuku would get a quirk to become a hero but, that's not what life had planned out for the overly excited kindergartner.

Izuku was deeply devastated and sitting in the computer room watching the same old All Might video to try and give him a little hope back. Inko was standing behind Izuku to sad to even face her own son. Izuku turned the computer chair half way facing his mother with big teary eyes.
Inko wanted to cry herself seeing her son this way.

"See the that mom... even when things seem bad and hopeless. He still smiles and saves the day" Izuku says with a plastered shaky smile with huge droplets of tears going down his face.

"Do you think i can be a hero like that?" Izuku says waiting for his mom to answer.

Inko really needed Toshi with her right now but, she had to be strong for her child and husband. Especially her child. Her eyes began to spill tears and she quickly hugged Izuku tightly, pressing her head against the side of his face.

"I'm sorry Izu! I wish things were different!" Inko said crying with her son.

All Izuku wanted to hear was that he can become a hero.

That night Izuku was sleeping in his room alone but, he was awake all night crying.


Inko really wanted to stay home with her son but, he has school and she has work.

Izuku was still upset and in a state of shock. He didn't eat his breakfast at all and Inko felt so guilty that her genes weren't strong enough to give Izuku a quirk. After Inko had dropped Izuku off at school, everyone in class wanted to know what Izuku's quirk was. After Izuku had told kacchan that he was quirkless. Kacchan only made fun of him with the entire class.

Izuku felt broken,  all alone and frustrated. Usually Izuku would wait for his babysitter to come after school but, instead he ran off into the city to walk off what he was feeling inside.

The babysitter had called Inko after about an hour when all the kids from school got off but, the teacher had said she had seen Izuku run off before the other kids got through the door. Inko thanked the babysitter and hung up the phone.

Inko then calls Toshi on his cell phone. Toshi quickly answers the phone.

"Hey, hun it's been a while since you last called me. How are you doing?" Toshi says cheerfully unprepared for what he is about to hear next.

"Toshi..... Izuku ran off from school into the city by himself... he's gone missing...." Inko says upset and trying not to cry.

"What!?...What do you mean he ran off into the city!?" Toshi says hysterically worried.

"Dear i didn't get a chance to tell you but, Izuku is quirkless. He wants to be a hero so bad that when he heard he was quirkless it shattered him. I haven't had much time to spend with him lately and he needs us! So please dear.... help me find our baby!! I'm getting off work right now!" Inko says while crying hard.

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