Chapter 5

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I pulled a hair grip from behind my ear and bent it into a usuable shape. Sam and Dean stood either side of me watching as I opened the door. I pushed the edge of the grip into the lock and twisted. I heard a click, I gave the door a gentle shove and it swung freely open. I smiled to myself and the boys gave me an approving look.

We each pulled out a weapon of choice. I held a gun loaded with rock salt, Dean had a knife with markings carved into it that keep evil away and Sam held another gun similar to mine. In sync we crept into the first room to find nothing it was dark and smelt of mold but there was no sign of anything supernatural. 

"Lets split." I suggested. Dean nodded in agreement and stepped off to the room on our right. Sam didn't move. 

"Go in there." I pointed to the room on my left.

"No way, I don't know your hunting style yet, I need to know that you will be okay." I rolled my eyes.

"Look if it will comfort you to stay with me then just say, its fine." I grinned at him and he frowned back.

"It's not that...just let me stay."

I sighed then motioned with my hand for him to follow me. Sam leaned against the left door, I unlocked it and let it swing open. He pulled round his gun outstretched ready to shoot but nothing appeared. I shot Sam a puzzled look and he shrugged.

"The basement?" I sighed. It was more than creepy down there but there was no where else left to look.


"It'll be in the basement, that's where he was last time."

"oh okay, lead the way."He said unreassuringly, I got the feeling Sam didn't trust me or anything I had to say.

I lead him to the basement door then used my hair pin once again to unlock this door. I unlocked it but it didn't budge. 

"It opened last time?" I frowned apologetically.

"Here let me." Sam took a step back and his shoulders tensed, he turned sideways and then faster than my eyes could follow his leg kicked out and the door shattered off it's hinges. The muscles in his back rippled under the contact. 

"Nice work" I placed a hand on his shoulder as I went past, feeling his muscles regaining from the impact. I slid past him through the door, just in time to see a dark whisp of air dissapear.

"God dammit!"

Sam rushed in. "What is it?"

"I don't think it's a spirit Sammy." I smiled at him.

"What makes you say that."

I no longer had control over my voice as I felt my eyes fade and go dark.


"Her names May, remember." I felt myself talking in 3rd person, trapped inside my own skin, I wanted to scream but I couldn't make myself do anything, I was paralysed.

"Your not a spirit then, your a demon."

"Oh Sammy, I can see inside her head, she has some demons in here, I can see everything, oh and what's this. Sam and Dean. The obnoxious one and the cold one. Can you guess which one you are?"

Sam's jaw clenched and his fists became balls.

"Oh Sweetie." She stroked his jaw line. "You don't like it do you? Seeing what this Stranger thinks of you."

"Get the hell out of her."

She chuckled. "You and I both know it's not that simple though. It's like a secret diary in here and so easy to unlock. She dressed up really pretty today for Dean and didn''t you know he visited her last night, went into her room, her underwear on the floor-"

She was twisting my thoughts into something malevolent. 

"Dean!" Sam shouted for his brother, not out of anger towards him but out of fear for himself and me. Dean came rushing down the stairs to the basement and was greeted by my blackened eyes and sinister smile. 

"Ahh Dean, you're in here too." She pointed to my head, gesturing to my thoughts. Dean stepped forward puzzled.

"Maya?" My hand raised and Sam went flying back towards the far wall. A crack rang through the room as his head hammered the wall, but he was still conscious. The blood oozed from beneath his brown hair. So badly did I want to go to him and hold him. He sat slumped at the foot of the room, watching. 

"She has thought about you a lot, obnoxious but intruiging." The demon pushed me forwards until my body was a foot from his. My head came to his nose. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sam fumbling with a brown leather binded book, but the demon in me didn't notice, already preoccupied.

"She is fighting, inside, I can feel her beating me, but it is barely a scratch on my power. Useless."

"Let her go." Dean's voice came out as a low growl. 

"You don't really mean that." She purred. I could feel the heat coming off his skin but I didn't like it, being this close to him, it was unnatural. I had known him only 16 hours. She raised my hand like she had to Sam, but gentler, not intending to injure. Dean flew backwards hitting the same wall Sam had but he was not hurt, just pinned to it, trapped. The demon moved me forward so my hair tickled under his nose. He lifted his chin away from me but the demon pulled it down. Slowly and then quickly my mouth was pressed against his and he was fighting to be free. I felt bad for him, but I ,now numb, could barely feel it and there was nothing I could do, I had to sit this one out.

"Exorcizamus te, omnus immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas." Sam was quietly mumbling and the demon was still too busy to hear him.

"Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte et sectio ergo draco maledicte et legio secta diabolica ut Ecclesiam tuam." The Demon pulled away from Dean and he slid to the floor as she began to shake.

"NO!" She started towards Sam who raised his voice and spoke faster.

"Secura tibi facias servire libertate, te rogamus." The demon threw Sam across the floor but he wasn't done yet. Now screaming over the sound of the demon he continued his last words.

"AUDI NOS!" I felt my body vibrate sickeningly, then my head through back and my body shuddered as the blackness flew out of my eyes, out of my body into the night. Exhausted, I fell to the ground and let the dark close in.

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