Chapter 14

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We lay wrapped together like that for a while. Sam's body surrounding mine, it felt safe, familiar. I closed my eyes and dozed not quite asleep but peaceful thinking about the simple things in life. I could feel Sam's breath over my shoulder warmly stirring my hair. His breathing gradually evened out and I knew he had fallen back asleep, even though it was already 8:30 am. As a hunter I hadn't stayed in bed this long for longer than I could remember. It was nice, not having to worry for a while. I half opened my eyes and peered down to my leather wristlet. I toyed with it, wistfully thinking of the happy people my parents were. I was so young when they died, most of the stuff I knew about them came from other people. Yet, the love I had felt from them had remained and knowing they had touched so many people in their lives gave me a sense of peace and hope. A feeling that pushed me, to continue to hunt and help people, so that I could be loved as they once were and still are. With these satisfying thoughts pushing through my head I gradually allowed myself to sink further into sleep, another hour wouldn't hurt anyone. Just as I was falling down into the darkness of sleep, I heard a noise dragging me out again.




I opened one eye to see Dean standing next to his bed in black boxer shorts, clapping his palms together. It took me a moment to realize what he was applauding. Sam. and me. I pulled one of the pillows from underneath me and threw it lazily in his direction missing him terribly. Sam grunted behind me before tightening his grip around my waist. His eyelids fluttered on my shoulder and I could tell he was waking up. I continued to glare at Dean.

"Hey" Sam whispered, his voice gravely from sleep. 

"Hey" My eyes glanced from Dean to Sam then back to Dean again. Sam sat up slowly as I twisted to lie flat. Sam looked down at me and smiled and I used my eyes to signal Dean watching us. Sam didn't immediately catch on but followed my gaze to where Dean stood smirking at the two of us.

"I take my hat off to you Sammy" Dean chuckled.

Still half asleep Sam chuckled as well then clocked on to what Dean was saying. "Crap, No, this isn't-"

I joined in sleepily. "We didn't sleep together Dean." I yawned then looked at him forcefully.

"Mmhhmmm Sure." Then he winked at me and turned to begin gathering his clothes.

"Dean we didn't-" I cut Sam off.

"Just leave him, don't bother"

Sam's rigid shoulders relaxed and I smiled at him kindly. "I'll explain it to him later." Then I pulled myself from beneath the warm covers.

"Oh crap!" As I stood I felt a painful jolt in my side as if a blade had gone through me. "Man, I almost forgot about it." I lifted up my shirt a little and saw the dressing. "I'm gonna go check this out." I glanced down to where I had lain. A small blood stain splattered the sheet and my shirt had a matching one. Dean looked over and laughed lowly.

"A virgin too" I looked at Dean slightly in disgust catching on at what he was saying before turning to face him and raising my t-shirt, then peeling back the dressing. I revealed my ugly wound, oozing blood from where two stitches had torn. Dean rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Ugh two of them have torn." Now addressing Sam. "I'm going to go re-do them."

"No it's fine, you get dressed, I looked over his naked torso then my eyes quickly scored his grey sweatpants. I then turned into the bathroom thinking about Dean's remark. The thing is, I was a virgin, I had never been close enough to anyone to become that intimate, I wouldn't allow it to happen, because most likely I would die three weeks later anyway.

I quickly restitched the wound and cleansed with some strange alcohol based thing in the first aid kit. I then jumped into the shower carefully avoiding any soap suds around my wound. Once finished I towel dried my hair slightly so it became wavy and tousled. Last time, I had forgotten my clothes after showering it had been a little disastrous but I knew the boys more now and besides I had my room next door to change in. I wrapped the towel tightly around my chest, tucking it in underneath my armpit, then exiting the bathroom intent on making a beeline for my room. I grabbed the handle and swung it open.

"Dean's gone to get breakfast by the way." Sam called from behind me where he was pulling on a light blue top.

"Okay give me a minute to get dressed then I'll come back through."


I went through the door and shut it behind me. I pulled out my navy skinny jeans deciding to wear them instead of my black ones for a change and quickly pulling them on after my underwear. I then found a baggy black top and yanked it over my head easily. It was a size too big and unbelievably comfy. I then pulled on my green jacket and re-opened the door through to where Sam sat, on his bed, reading.

"What book?" Sam looked up and I came and sat beside him.

"Oh just re-reading some vampire law." He shrugged. "I don't want to miss anything." I nodded as he tossed the book aside. I was terrified of the hunting that was to come in the next few days.I sighed loudly and fell back onto Sam's duvet, that had now been pulled across neatly in contrast to Dean's which lay in a crumpled heap.

"what?" Sam looked down at me, his eyes slightly twinkling.

"Vampires." I moved my eyes from the far wall back to Sam. "They give me the creeps." 

Sam chuckled as the door to the room opened. Dean walked in and then, to my surprise, another man followed. He wore a beige trench coat and a shirt not quite fully buttoned all the way to the top, then a tie lazily done. His hair looked dark and soft and he stood awkwardly next to Dean who began to speak.

"May this is Castiel, Cas this is Maya."

"It is nice to meet you Maya." Castiel said slightly bowing his head but showing little emotion. His presence was endearing.

I leant over to Sam and whispered in his ear. "He's kind of cute." Sam snorted slightly and I grinned. Castiel's mouth quirked, almost smiling. After Sam composed himself, he spoke to Castiel.

"What are you doing here Cas?"

Castiel paused. "There are rumours, about the vampires you are about to begin hunting." I sat up slightly, taking note of the seriousness of Castiel's tone. He turned to face me.

"Maya, the vampire that is here, right now, you may be familiar with." I looked into Castiel's eyes puzzled, I distanced myself from vampires as much as possible.

"I believe you are familiar with Aiden Mack." The name in my ears and my breathing quickened, so much that I gradually stopped breathing. I was hyperventilating. Air was gasping through my lungs and I couldn't breathe. Aiden Mack. The one that killed them. The vampire that killed my parents.


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