It all started with a stupid bet. That one bet Logan had to do, that changed my whole world. I'm not any different than any other girl, not special, 'nor unique, why did I have to let a guy change all that? Maybe because I wanted to believe it too...
Author's Notes: Kaitlyn lookalike by Chloe Moretz (but with a nose ring and a few red highlights):
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I never really like to argue. Never did. Never will. I just think that they're arguments that get started by the most stupidest of things. I know I end up regretting to not speak up at times, and I hate myself for it.
This was another one of those times.
"I'm not going," I say.
"What?" Tristan asks, clearly not hearing me right.
"I said I'm not going," I repeat myself.
"Why the sudden change?" Adeline asks me, upset on her face.
"I don't know, I just don't feel like going," I reason.
Tristan lifts an eyebrow, "um...sweetie, I know a liar when I see one, and believe me, I lie a aren't just quitting this because you feel like it," he says, "now spill girl."
"First off, I can't quit something if I never even fully agreed on it. You dragged me into this, and-" I start.
"And you were actually fine with it!" Adeline argues, "and apparently, now your not."
I roll my eyes, "guys, I don't have to go if I don't want to go, it's my own decision," I say.
"Yeah, but what kind of friends are we if we don't even drag you to a normal-correction, crazy party in your final year of high school," Tristan says.
"Exactly," Adeline points out, "you have to tell them something interesting to your grand kids."
I give her a weird look, "okay, Adeline, now you're just being plain creepy," I say as I laugh.
"So....?" Tristan asks.
I huff, "fine."
Logan's POV Next weekend: Day of the party
I grumbly lay on my bed, waiting for the alarm to ring, eyes closed. I spent most of my night studying for a math test who none of my friends, thankfully, have the same class in.
You could call me a secret nerd on the inside, but I'd rather prefer, a man with many talents, and that's right, I said man.
No one can know that obviously. Everyone thinks I'm such a cool guy, and maybe I do care a lot about my reputation, but there are more important things than being popular. Being popular doesn't get you anywhere after high school. What career could you have? Oh look, I upload selfies of myself on insta for a living. And yes....maybe I am making fun at some of my friends and their girlfriends,'ve always wanted to let that all out.