Chapter 7

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It was 3 days after I left Logan's house, and I still couldn't get his stupid face out of my mind. I attended school as usual, but I avoided any eye contact with him. It was even worse that I had a huge pile of homework, and stress with school ending in a few months.

It was currently 5 pm in my bedroom, while I'm doing my math homework and jamming out to my music.

I was in my own magical world when suddenly someone calls me. I reach my phone and saw Tristan as the caller ID. Wait, correction: "TRISTAN😎👌"

I picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Joy, so.....meandAdelinewerewonderingifyou wantedtocometothebeachthisweekend?" He spoke quickly, like he was afraid of me rejecting, and cutting him off.

"Woah, woah, slow down Pony," I paused to laugh, "you wanted to know if I could come to the beach?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, "it's just....Joy! You've literally locked yourself at home for days now."

I roll my eyes, "calm down Tristan. It's just, I had a lot of homework, and with graduation..."

I could tell that it was his turn to roll his eyes, "Geez Joy, this is why we were wondering if you wanted to come. Pleaseeeee?" He whined.

Seriously? He was acting like a child. Well, I guess I wouldn't change him for the world. He was a great friend, and I swear to you, I would have stayed in my
room much longer, if he and Adeline weren't always there for me.

"Fine, I'll go with you," I answered.

"But come onnnnn Joy! You're no fun, you-" he paused, as I smiled.

"Wait-what? It's a yes?" He asked.

"Yes. Gosh Tristan, you act like this is me giving you my blessing for your new girlfriend," I said.

"Hehe, sorry," he said.

"So....when are we going?" I asked him.

"This weekend. I'll pick you up early in the morning!" He said happily. I groan.

"Hey, why don't we take Adeline's car instead?" I asked. We were brought with silence when suddenly, both of us bursted in laughter.

"Hahahahaha, you're so funny Joy!" He laughed.

"Okay thanks Tristan," I thanked, "bye!"

"See ya Joy," he ended.

I turned my music back on. This was going to be a crazy weekend.


It was bright and early this Saturday morning when I spotted Tristan's car parked outside my house. I hoped in, already finding Adeline in the front seat. I wave and say good morning.

We put on the radio and looked through different channels. Adeline went onto Dua Lipa's new rules and started singing.

"Yasss! I love this song!" She said excitedly while putting the volume louder.

"One, don't pick up the phone, you know he's only calling cause your drunk and at home.." Adeline sang.

Tristan snapped his attention back to Adeline. "What the heck Adeline? The song lyric is, "One, don't pick up the phone, you know he's only calling cause HE'S drunk and at home.." Tristan sang.

Love...and A Little More by purpleberry321 (Jessica)Where stories live. Discover now