Voice of Reason

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Beck dropped a box down on the couch and turned to his new friend, Freddie. "Well, that should be the last box."

Freddie smiled. "Thanks, man. I am so glad you and Jade offered to help us move out here."

Beck ran a hand through his hair. "It's no problem, but I'm a little worried. Jade suggested we help you guys and that's not like her. I think that our girls are up to something so be on your toes."

Freddie chuckled. "Actually, you should be on yours. Sam already forced me to be part of their not so subtle plan to get you and Jade to move out here with us."

Beck sucked in a breath. "So that's Jade's plan.. Well what part do you play in this madness?"

Freddie shrugged. "Is it really madness? They're friends. We became friends. Plus you and Jade are going to Juilliard this year so would living together in an apartment buillding that's like ten minutes away be such a bad thing?" Freddie asked.

"So your role in this plan is to convince me?" Beck smirked.

Freddie sighed. "Reason with you because I am the more level headed of the three, but yeah."

Beck sighed. "Look don't tell Jade this, because I don't know how to tell her yet, but I kinda wanted to live on campus, in the dorms."

Freddie nodded. "I get that. I myself thought about the NYU campus, living in a dorm, a great college experience, but then I thought about Sam and how much I would miss her if I lived on campus and she stayed in LA."

"Yeah, I get that, but Jade would be on campus too. She would just be in the girl's dorm rooms."

"Uh, she doesn't want to room with anyone unless it's Cat, but I guess Cat didn't get in, yet." Freddie took a deep breath. "and Jade doesn't want to make her feel bad about it." He said.

Beck sighed. "Cat didn't get in? Wow. I know she can be, well Cat, but she is still really talented. Why wouldn't they accept her?"

Freddie shrugged. "I don't know, but maybe you could think about it. Jade really doesn't want room with anyone other than Cat.. or you. I just said I would try to reason with you, but I won't force it." Freddie's phone rang and he sighed. "I gotta take this."

"Fredward Benson! I did not give you permission to move now return home or I will-"

"Mom, I got into NYU and I am going to NYU AND I am living with Sam whom I love! Deal with it!" He yelled then he hung up.

"Uh." Beck made a weird face.

Freddie groaned. "Don't ask."

Beck held up his hands in surrender. "No problem."

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